Abortion ban referral looks like it's on the ballot

Advocates for a statewide vote on HB1215 are feeling pretty proud of themselves today. They're claiming more than twice the number of signatures needed will be turned in, according the the Sioux Falls Argus Leader:
The South Dakota Campaign for Healthy Families announced Tuesday that it had secured more than twice the number of signatures it needed to refer the abortion ban passed by the 2006 Legislature to a vote of the people this fall.

At a press conference at the Downtown Holiday Inn, officials with the campaign said they had 37,846 signatures – more than double the 16,728 they needed to get.

Those signatures still need to be validated.

Supporters of the repeal said they had 1,200 volunteers from 138 communities circulate the petitions. None of the volunteers were paid, they said.
Read it all here.


Bob Newland said…
SDWC, when was the last time you saw an all-volunteer effort obtain 30k+ signatures in 60 days.
PP said…
Don't know that I ever have. God knows I'm not knocking them for the ability to do it.

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