He aint heavy, he's my running mate.

Indian Country Today is reporting something that I hadn't really heard before, and isn't well known in some political circles. In an extensive article on the Native American candidates running for office this election, they point out that incumbent House member Tom Van Norman and Senate hopeful Steve Emery are brothers:
An interesting situation is unfolding in the split district. Van Norman is the incumbent House member in one portion of the district; and his brother, Steve Emery, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe and attorney for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, is running in the primary for state Senate in District 28.

Emery is the attorney who filed the complaint that led to the district was split eight years ago. At that time another brother, Mark Van Norman, current executive director of the National Indian Gaming Association, ran and was defeated for the House seat.
Read all of this interesting article here where among the other candidates, Bruce Whalen gets a mention in his race against Herseth.


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