Former Senator to receive award from NEA

As reported in today's Sioux Falls Argus Leader, Former Democratic State Senator John McIntyre from Sioux Falls is being awarded a national award from the National Education Association:
John McIntyre, a former Axtell Park Middle School guidance counselor, state senator and South Dakota Air National Guard soldier, will receive the H. Councill Trenholm Award from the National Education Association during its Human and Civil Rights Award Dinner in Orlando, Fla., on Monday.

McIntyre, a member of the NEA's Human and Civil Rights Committee, will be honored for his work with Sioux Falls' Native American community. McIntyre helped to create the SuAnne Big Crow Memorial Award, given annually to a student whose academic achievements helped other students develop their own sense of worth and dignity.
Read it all here. Congratulations to former Senator McIntyre from the SDWC.


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