SD Dems still trying to make money off of Daschle

Now that Senator Daschle isn't there to help generate funds for the South Dakota Democratic party anymore, they're still managing to squeeze a few bucks out of his name.

The South Dakota Democratic Party is offering for sale on their website "Thanks Tom - 26 Years of Proud Service" t-shirts for sale at $15 each.

(Personally, I'd recommend the SDWC T-Shirts at $10 each)


Anonymous said…
So what are you saying PP, that you hate capitalism? (Kidding, obviously). But seriously, who cares? Political parties always use their successful politicans to raise money. For example, note the large number of Ronald Regan shirts for sale lately.

And if you want a really good shirt, I have all sizes and colors of "Quinlivan, God among men" shirts for sale at my blog "www.whydoyouevencarewhatIhavetoosayaboutpolitics?"
Anonymous said…
Not surprising that the Dems are trying to capitalize on a successful politician. They're still making money off of McGovern too. More surprising is that the Republicans in SD are not.

Where are the "Thanks Larry Pressler for 22 years service" shirts? or the "Thanks Bill Janklow for 21 years service" shirts? or the "Thanks Karl Mundt for 30 years service and 3 years of incapacitation" shirts?

The GOP apparently doesn't want to be associated with its long-time South Dakota officeholders.
PP said…
This was meant mostly in humor.

(that and I would be caught dead in Larry Pressler shirt)
Anonymous said…
Aw, jeez. Daschle is a has been. The Dems need to GET OVER IT!!(Hey, that would be a good t-shirt slogan for the GOP!)
Anonymous said…
Is Daschle’s “service” to South Dakota the same as: “the bull serviced the cows”?

Yeah, I thought so…
Anonymous said…
Who's Tom?
Anonymous said…
Anon 1:02, Daschle serviced you in the manner you describe.
Anonymous said…
PP, you should start to make shirts that say, "Thanks Tom" for going into retirement!
Anonymous said…
OK, off topic, but why does only 15% of the comments here have a full name attached to them? I don't wanna pull a Sibby here, but I have seen some pretty nasty stuff said by "anonymous" people for a while now. C'mon people, eat your spinich (sic), and man (or woman) up, sign your name.
Anonymous said…
Many of the posters here aren't willing to sign their names to their words. I'll let you do the psychoanalysis on that one.

But the problem, whatever it is, may be pathological within the party. The reluctance to take responsibility for your words on a blog is similar to the way members of the SD Republican Party (the author of this blog included) won't say a word about the "origin of species" plank in their platform. I even put a call into the SD Republican Party HQ -- no one will return my call. They must be ashamed of it.
Anonymous said…
Maybe people don't sign their names because the level of discussion is often so juvenile that they would prefer not to be associated with it, even though participation is, for some (like me) is irresistible.

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