Just a note in postscript to a prior posting.

If you recall, a while back I had been grumbling about helping my wife set up some congressional visits for her trip she's taking out there for work. I had commented postiviely about the experience in contacting Thune's and Herseth's office, and then lamented the FAX requirement of Johnson's office.

I'm happy to report that all three turned out very well, and even though they asked for a FAX with a laundry list for the request, Senator Johnson's office quickly and efficiently honored her request. They only took an extra hour or so to respond after both Thune's staff and Herseth's staff arranged appointments for my wife, MP (who will be accompanied by #2 daughter mP).

I'm jealous. It sounds like Thune's office has them set up with a tour, and was just top notch in taking care of them. Actually, all around it seems all three are providing exceptional constituent service.

Or maybe I'm just jealous because I have the rest of the kids here in Pierre while my wife is living la dolce vita taking in the sights and activities of our nation's capitol.

Anyway, a happy ending and a satisfied customer am I.


Anonymous said…
I promise to give Stephanie your best regards, after all, she is our neighbor.

Kiss the babies for me !

Love, your wife

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