Arrrrgh! Howard Dean is coming to Rapid City

As reported in today's Rapid City Journal, Howard Dean is coming to Rapid City to talk about Tribal issues and help the local Dems.:
Howard Dean, the outspoken and controversial chairman of the Democratic National Committee, will stop in Rapid City Wednesday to meet with American Indian leaders and local Democrats. State Democratic Party Chairwoman Judy Olson Duhamel of Rapid City said Saturday that Dean is coming to western South Dakota to learn more about tribal issues and to energize party faithful heading toward the November general election.

“I’m just very excited that we’re able to bring Howard Dean to Rapid City and to South Dakota,” Olson Duhamel said Saturday. “He’s the kind of guy who infuses energy and optimism into any crowd. We felt it’s really a privilege to have him coming here.”

Olson Duhamel said Dean is committed to developing a better understanding of problems facing American Indians in South Dakota. That is an important part of his visit, she said.

Dean’s visit to Jackson, Wyo., on Wednesday prompted a cool response from some Democrats in that state. Wyoming Democratic Gov. Dave Freudenthal, who has complained in the past that national Democratic leaders were too liberal for Wyoming’s interests, said last week that he didn’t invite Dean and wouldn’t meet with him.
Read it all here.

Given the GOP's pursuit and gradual success at making inroads in the Native American community, it looks like the trip isn't half tribal issues, and half political - It sounds like it's all political.

It's probably just my cynical opinion, but maybe - just maybe - Judy's getting a little nervous that the GOP's efforts are going to continue to pay dividends at the ballot box in the coming elections. It's called shoring up the base.

And as she does that, I hope the GOP doubles it's efforts to continue to bring a strong Republican alternative to voters living within the boundaries of the reservation. We need to remind ourselves that Bruce Whalen and Elli Schwiesow are to be commended for thier efforts on behalf of the party, and the South Dakota GOP needs to continue to offer that Republican alternative and message - even if we're changing hearts just one voter at a time.


Anonymous said…
....and then we're going to Wyoming, and then we're going to South Dakota....and then we're going to....lose again....YEEEH-AHHH
Anonymous said…
PP, In case you missed it the Republican candidate in the District 1 House race is a Republican. Scott German is a member of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate and their Vice Chairman no less.

Maybe the Republicans are making some progress in Indian Country
Anonymous said…
I'm a loyal Republican but am worried about the SDGOP -- these folks need to wake up. Howard Dean's money on the state and local level is a great idea and it's too bad the national GOP isn't doing that too. The SDDEMS website is good and their PR is 10 times more competent than the SDGOP. It has no effect on me because I am supporting Republican candidates for the most part (not Mr. Whalen though, campaign is too amateurish even for a first timer. Sorry). But how about those undecideds? Get moving, SDGOP. I for one don't want an unpleasant wake-up call in November.
Anonymous said…
Anon 8:03 - Maxine Broken Nose is also running as a Republican in district 27, so maybe there is hope. I doubt it though.

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