From the outside looking in: MPR covers the first SD Gubernatorial Debate

Minnesota Public Radio has an interesting and in-depth take on the first big debate between Governor Rounds, Jack Billion, and the other guys who are running for South Dakota Governor:

Democrat Jack Billion says if he's elected he'll stand behind every bill he signs into law.

"I'll sign it because I think it's best for the people of the state of South Dakota and has to become law. Not because I want to see us spending millions of dollars of taxpayer money possibly defending an unconstitutional law," says Billion.

Governor Mike Rounds ignored most of the jabs directed at him. The Republican incumbent had 60 percent support in the most recent polling. He told the gathered farmers that rural economic development in South Dakota is heading in the right direction.

He says ethanol production is one example. There are currently 11 ethanol plants in the state. Five of those are expanding and five more are in different stages of being built.

"Every single one of those plant opportunities provides sustenance for small communities. Provides not only job opportunities but more money coming in for investors," says Rounds. "South Dakota farmers and ranchers have a higher percentage of investment in these type of plants than in any other state in the nation with over 8,000 farm families," he says.

Constitutional Party Candidate Steve Willis and Libertarian Party Candidate Tom Gerber also participated in the DakotaFest debate. Willis and Gerber stuck to introducing themselves and their respective party platforms.

Read all of it here.


Anonymous said…
What has Rounds done for ethanol? Nothing! The only thing he has done is let his staff drive around an E-85 vehicle that has ethanol logos plastered over it that was given to him by the ethanol industry!
Anonymous said…
that's a lot...isn't it????
Anonymous said…
Round sounded very weak. Billion accused the Rounds administration of lacking in leadership. Round did nothing to defend himself. Weak.
Anonymous said…
As usual, the writer chose to put the emphasis on the establishment parties. This is done, even though the Republocrats and the Demicans spend their efforts bashing each other rather than discussing substantive issues. That isn't much help to voters or to South Dakota.

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