Mythical creatures in today's RCJ

Headline in today's Rapid City Journal:

Tech stomps Bigfoot rumor
The South Dakota School of Mines & Technology does not have Bigfoot. And the Rapid City school issued a news release last week to emphasize the point. “I’ve done some checking, and we have no Bigfoot,” Breanna Bishop, Tech’s public-information coordinator, said.

Rumors have circulated on the Internet that the elusive creature known as Bigfoot was killed on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and then was taken to the Rapid City school for further inspection.
In a related stories today, the Rapid City Journal also quashed rumors of the existence of the easter bunny, the chupacabra, and a full slate of Democratic Constitutional Candidates.

Some things are just too incredible to believe in.


Anonymous said…
Do they have Ajay Bruno?
Anonymous said…
I hope GF&P wasn't called in to verify Big Foot's existence. They can't tell a mountain lion from a Great Pyrenees or a wolf from a German Shepherd.
Anonymous said…
I believe they have a big foot museum at the U of Idaho in Pacatello ID, maybe someone should give them a call and follow up. See the following website.

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