A little liveblogging of the Vietnam War Memorial Dedication of my own

Not to be out done by Bill Harlan who is over at Mt. Blogmore liveblogging the dedication, here's a picture I took during the rememberance at the wall this afternoon. It was a very moving start to the activities of this weekend.

The reading of the names of the South Dakota Veterans at the wall was followed by a private unveiling for the families of South Dakota Veterans lost in the Vietnam War. And as we speak, the Red Willow Band and Beach Boys concert is going.

I'm taking a break from working at the moment. That, and I gave my Beach Boys ticket to a veteran who missed the deadline, so I'm taking some time before I have to get back to the office where I'm "on call" again this evening.

I also note from my e-mail box that Bruce Whalen is going to be in town talking to veterans:
Bruce Whalen, Republican Candidate for U.S. Congress, will attend the Vietnam memorial celebration this weekend in Pierre. “Being a ten year veteran of the Army National Guard, I am proud to travel to Pierre this weekend to honor the brave men and women that defended freedom during the Vietnam conflict. My wife, children, extended family and I are eager to thank these true American heroes for their service and celebrate patriotism at our state’s capitol.”
With 40-50,000 people at an event, there are sure to be elected officials running around.

I ran into Bryce Healy and chatted with him for a few minutes as he surveyed the grounds this afternoon (It's not like he could avoid it, he had to walk by several dozen displays to get to the building). I had just gotten done giving his sister-in-law a ride to her vehicle.

Right after that, I passed by Frank Kloucek going into the Capitol building, and this evening, I ran into Paul Valandra. And I'm sure I've missed a whole crew of others, although I do have a picture of Former Sioux Falls Mayor and current KSOO radio personality Rick Knobe at the helm of part of the radio broadcast being sent all over South Dakota to honor vets.

Tomorrow is going to bring more of our elected officials, with Thune, Johnson and Herseth all expected to be in town, as well as many others who are going to show up to honor our veterans.

If you are considering it, I can't recommend coming more. This is an event that you're not soon to match, and you certainly won't ever forget it.


Anonymous said…
I heard that someone screwed up and veterans who were supposed to be getting free tickets weren't getting them. And the shows are sold out so they can't even get tickets at all now. I gave my two tickets for the Steve Miller/CCR concert to a couple of vets who couldn't get them for themselves. Someone really dropped the ball on this one.
PP said…
No. That would be completely wrong.

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