Tim Johnson doing fundraiser for Giebink

Despite the presence of Tim Johnson at the fundraiser in District 10, and the campaigning that Daschle already did for her, I'm still calling this one for the GOP hands down. That 2-1 GOP over DEM margin doesn't lie.

(But it might get Giebink another photo with a DEM for her website).


Anonymous said…
Tim Johnson has just lost vote as a long-time Democrat. Anybody who would do a fundraiser for this buffoon Giebink should have their head examined. Is this ambulance-chasing feminist the best the Dems can come up with? I heard that the Dems running for House in Hayti area are all quitting because they're such long-shots.
Anonymous said…
Not even Tim Johnson's son, the Congressman-in-waiting Brendan Johnson, is giving money to Giebink. The Republican in this district, Abdallah, is telling people that Brendan is giving to him! Giebink is basically the Maxine Waters of South Dakota.
Anonymous said…
Prediction: at midnight before the election Oliver Wendell Giebink will file a lawsuit in federal court in Sioux Falls asking that all Republican voters be barred from the polls on election day. Her first witness will be Tom Daschle.
Anonymous said…
you conservative losers are just worried about a great advocate for women winnging!

go to ActBlue and give to Mary now:

Anonymous said…
Sen Johnson is also doing this for the character running against Sen Abdallah!! Gene Abdallah looks out for his district, brings a wealth of experience to the senate, and just in case he doesn't have enough to do - raises about a million dollars for kid's charities. What part of that picture makes him worthy of Sen Johnson's attack?
Anonymous said…
I've HAVE to call BS on this one. On her website, Giebink says that she "was named the 2004 Woman of the Year by Business and Professional Women." First, this group has about 50 active members. Second, guess who was president of Business and Professional Women when this "award" was granted? You guessed it: MARY ANN GIEBINK! How convenient. The voters of district 10 are going to know a lot about the candidates in this hotly-run race before it's all over. Daschle and Johnson are raising lots of money for Giebink and the Republicans will have money too. Watch district 10! It is the race of the season.
Anonymous said…
LEE: johnson loves liberals like these clowns and wants to attack good republicans!
Anonymous said…
D 10 police:

Brendan the Congressman in waiting giving money to Geno?

That's heresy! You are a heretic, sir!

Working to neutralize Republicans in the Sioux Falls area 10 years ahead of the election...
Anonymous said…
Anon 10:19--check with Prince Johnson. He gave money to Abdallah as part of his continuing plan to make sure he can get 20% of Republican voters when he runs for Congress in 2008 or 2014. It's all mapped out. It's in the can. Tim will retire, Princess Stephanie will run for Senate, but will be defeated by Governor Schoenbeck, and Prince Johnson will run for the House.
Anonymous said…
no, no, no, you have it all wrong: Johnson plans to hang in Senate longer so he can replace federal judge Piersol with federal judge Giebink, who will have become famous for vanquishing the evil Roger Hunt in the 2006 legislative elections.
Anonymous said…
none of you know what you're talking about. This is all part of the Democratic Master Plan announced in secret by Howard Dean in Rapid City: the Dems will run the Mary Giebink-Frank Kloucek ticket for governor in 2010 and defeat the Lee Schoenbeck-Bill Napoli ticket.
Anonymous said…
i thought Giebink was the Lionel Hutz of South Dakota/who is Maxine Waters?
Haggs said…
PP, thanks for reminding me that Phil Sietstra is running. He's a great guy that I've known for years and I think he has a shot. I need to start doing some posts supporting him.

Anonymous said…
when is the Giebink Potluck for Planned Parenthood planned?
Anonymous said…
is Giebink's platform still to re-open Springfield, stop the appointment of male judges, and create a state department of planned parenthood?
Anonymous said…
Did you hear about the Giebink hurt in an accident?

An ambulance stopped suddenly.
Anonymous said…
Giebink is important, but here's the pantheon of South Dakota legislative races for this year:

1) Dick Kelly-Scott Heidepriem Senate race in Sioux Falls (Kelly is an established figure, but Heidepriem has money and is getting help from old Daschle/Janklow machine and wants to run against Thune in 2010 but needs a platform; watch for lots of money to be spent even on tv)

2) Schweisow-Katus Senate race in Rapid City (this is big because of the ideological fireworks and because Senator Adelstein is helping strongly and could tip this GOP seat to Dems)

3) Dennis Arnold-Nancy Turbak Senate race in Watertown(Arnold is playing up his long-time residency and NRA, DU and Turkey Federation connections and Turbak's lawyer feminism, which should be enough to win it for him; also lots of spending in this race)

4) Mary Giebink-Roger Hunt House race in Sioux Falls (Democrats like Tom Daschle and Tim Johnson are raising lots of money because they are tired of getting whacked on the abortion issue by Hunt and his evangelical buddies; Dems feel confident about knocking off Hunt)

5) Sandy Jerstad-Bill Earley Senate race in Sioux Falls (the latest KELO-Land poll shows this race to be a dead-heat; Rounds not willing to help out Earley very much so he's handicapped that way).

Prediction: Heidepriem-Giebink beat their Republican opponents but Arnold-Earley-Scheisow win and so does Governor Rounds so Pierre doesn't really change at all.
Anonymous said…
A gang of robbers broke into Galland Legal Clinic/Kum-and-Go by mistake. Mary Giebink et al gave them a fight for their life and their money. The gang was very happy to escape.

"It ain't so bad," one crook noted. "We got $25 between us."

The boss screamed: "I warned you to stay clear of lawyers--we had $100 when we broke in!"
Anonymous said…
The right-wing wankers who comment her don't under how precious reproductive rights are for women and how Mary has been fighting for women's earned role in the decision process her whole life
Anonymous said…
Mary Giebink's radio career is just taking off:

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Greenstone Media, a radio company whose founders include social activist Gloria Steinem and actress Jane Fonda, has launched an all-women, all-talk network across the United States.

Steinem said the network, which is run by women, aims to provide an alternative to current radio talk, which she describes as "very argumentative, quite hostile, and very much male-dominated."
Anonymous said…
women already have the right to reproduce. Unfortunately Giebink's parents got the memo.
Anonymous said…
Lee Schoenbeck:

How is that letter an "attack" on anyone? More importantly, why are you so full of hate?
Anonymous said…

when did you learn to hate? You are hereby ordered to attend liberal sensitivity traning.

I hear that Geibink will be conducting the training shortly after the potluck for abortionists.
Anonymous said…
Oh no! Senator Johnson holds a fundraiser for Democrats! How can he do such an attack?

John Thune would never support Republicans the way Johnson supports Democrats, would he?

Lee forgot to screw his thinking cap on before writing that last sentence. We all say things inarticulately sometimes. At least Lee put his name on it, unlike me.
Anonymous said…
"Tim will retire, Princess Stephanie will run for Senate, but will be defeated by Governor Schoenbeck, and Prince Johnson will run for the House."

Funny funny, Princess will run against Thune, Prince will run for the open seat, Mark Mikkelson will be governor, Lee Schoenbeck has as much chance as Kloucek or Giebink of beating Mikkelson in 2010. GO AWAY LEE (and take Randy Frederick w/you).
Anonymous said…
I see nothing wrong with Sen. Johnson doing a fundraiser for State candidates for office, afterall that is where Tim started off in the first place.

As for Lee Schoenbeck talking about all the things Sen. Abdallah does for his district, maybe he should check the votes again and give me some examples of the groundbreaking policies he has been supporting for his constituents. Afterall someone (Abdallah) first appointed to the legislature must know whats best for his constituents.
Anonymous said…
Prince Johnson would get his ass wiped across the floor by Larry Russell.
Anonymous said…
We know Larry Russell is an ass wipe. If he wants to wipe Brendan Johnson's ass, he should schedule an appointment at Brendan's office, talk really nice, and use the word "please".
Anonymous said…
The worst kept secret in Sioux Falls is Brendan Johnson's plan to run for Congress. He's always kissing all the butts of the Republicans so they'll like him, but many of them see him as a self-serving climber/schmoozer who is hard to stomach.
Anonymous said…
Brendan will lost a lot votes for stabbing Mary Giebink in the back during this race
Anonymous said…
I love the conspiracies on her about Brendan supporting Abdallah for future Republican votes. I think Brendan being a law partner with Abdallah's son might be a reason he is supporting the elder Abdallah.
Anonymous said…
um, people, this is about Mary Giebink, not Brendan Johnson as heir to the throne. You must support Mary, who will bring a strong voice for women to Pierre! and stop the Republican Taliban!
Anonymous said…
um, like your so right, um we need a total liberal fighter, um, a woman like Giebink to like fight for our rights. Puke!

Last poster: you must be in the Johnson family, they have a propensity to call R's by that name.
Anonymous said…
last anon--your so ignorant its shocking. your the reason we live in fasism in this state and stop brilliant leaders like Mary Giebink from making it to the top. get over your hangups. don't you know its the 21st century!
Anonymous said…
"brilliant leaders like Mary Giebink" That is funny. Thanks. Needed to have a good laugh this AM.
Anonymous said…
Hey Fran:

you probably cosider yourself one of those uptight liberal elites who love education, right? And wants the government to solve all the problems of the world, right?

Learn how to spell!

Also, if we live in fascism, correct spelling, why do you stick around here. What kind of uptight lberal would subject themselves to a life lived in a fascist state?

Fran, get a clue you are sadist for subjecting yourself and your family to fascism. Move now and don't let the road signs hit your ass on the way out!

If we are in fact living in a fascist state isn't the wise move to move?

As for your Taliban comment, your pathetic and even liberal than what I thought. It's Republicans who want to KILL the Taliban and bury them under huge bombs. It's the Democrats who want to show peace and mercy and kindness for the enemy.

Giebink for Taliban leader of the year!
Anonymous said…
hey anon--i suppose you keep your wife chained in the basement? mary giebink and i other progressives believe in giving people freedom and choice and apparently you do not. just like a conservative to bring up war and change the subject.
Anonymous said…
anon 9:15 said:
"Learn how to spell!"


"As for your Taliban comment, your pathetic and even liberal than what I thought."

That's called irony, folks.

One nice thing about the internet is that it gives everyone a voice.

One bad thing about the internet is that it gives everyone a voice.
Anonymous said…
War kills the bad people and helps the good people.


for you replace war with abortion
Anonymous said…
can we just all admit that Mary Giebink is an idiot and be done with this post??

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