Comings and goings (and I finally address that PUC rumor)

It's more "comings" than "goings" today, but what have I heard out there?

Former GOP campaign staffer Mike Mehlhaff Jr. is taking a paid position with the Jarrod Johnson for School and Public Lands campaign from now through the election.

I'm told that former GOP staffers Hugh Weber and Doug Loen are once again doing work on behalf of the state GOP for this election cycle.

There's another few campaign staff movements, but at least one hasn't gotten back to me as promised (*cough* G, drop me a note when I can go with it*cough*)

The big rumor floating around last week was that PUC Commissioner Dusty Johnson was going to be leaving the PUC to take the position of Bob Miller with the South Dakota Electical Utilities when he retires. Aaaaannnnd... that one went nowhere.

I spoke with Dusty himself, and he confirmed that "the rumor is false." I'm sure the rumor got started because many out there see the job as a natural for Dusty, given his current position and the fact that his grandfather Bill Johnson held the job for many years. According to the man himself, Dusty has no plans on leaving the PUC, and Bob's not looking at retiring for at least 18 months or more.. Although, Dusty did note that while "you can never say never" he's very happy doing what he's doing.

According to KCCR News/Oahe TV, Day Breitag formerly of the South Dakota County Officials has taken a new position as Rocky Mountain-Great Plains Regional Director of Development for the National Wildlife Foundation. She cover ten states – the two Dakotas, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Nebraska, Wyoming, Kansas and Colorado.

And regarding Day's old position, the County Officials are forming an interview committee to end the revolving door days of the Executive Director's position.


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