Game on. More silly statements to follow.

The Argus was reporting on a couple of aspects of the Sutton trial this afternoon. First and foremost, with the Supreme court giving the green light, it's game on at a 27-6 vote:
....the Senate voted 27-6 to appoint the select committee that will investigate Sutton, who is facing allegations of sexual misconduct with an 18-year-old Senate page last year.

The disciplinary hearings are set to begin Tuesday.

Democratic Senators Sandy Jerstad of Sioux Falls, Tom Katus of Rapid City, Frank Kloucek of Scotland, Gil Koetzle of Sioux Falls, Ben Nesselhuf of Vermillion and Theresa Two Bulls of Pine Ridge voted against the measure.

Sen. Jerry Apa, R-Lead, and Sutton were not present for the vote.

Sutton, a Flandreau Democrat, is facing an allegation of sexual misconduct with an 18-year-old Senate page last year. Sutton has denied the allegation.
Read that and more here. After Frank's e-mail I'm surprised he was a no vote. Next, the Argus talks about the Secret Witness list:
Seven subpoenas were issued last week, compelling witnesses to show up for the hearings scheduled to begin on Tuesday.

The names of those witnesses won’t be released until Monday, McMahon said.

“I don’t want a bunch of people calling those witnesses and, for lack of a better word, harassing them,” McMahon said. “I have told Mr. Sutton’s attorneys who they are going to be.”
Read that here. Of course, none of that compares to the continued over the top and hilarious silly statements to the media that Sutton attorney Patrick Duffy continues to utter forth. See if you can guess which ones were issued today, and which ones were earlier pronouncements:
Duffy says....."Bring it on."

"There is nothing between all of us and apocalyptic pain now for everyone," Duffy predicted.

“Let’s get ready to rumble,” Duffy said.

...And lest we forget my personal favorite: “The dogs of war are about to be unleashed,” Duffy said.
I think he's forgotten "I am become death, the mighty destroyer of the world," and other colorful phrases that you're more likely to read in comic books and star trek movies than in a legislative proceeding.

More to come. Stay tuned...... If you dare!


Anonymous said…
Or what about BJ Nesslehulf: "this will be the low point of our careers."

Well, BJ: it sucks to have to sit in judgment of a fellow Democrat doesn't it?

What would you rather do? Forget it about? Sweep it under the rug?

Typical, Liberal attitude.
Anonymous said…
Duffy's press statements are now as off-the-wall as his blog statements. Sound and fury signifying nothing.

I'd like Pat on my side in a bar fight, but not as an advocate in sensitive bargaining. With middle age, Pat appears to have crossed the fence from refreshingly brilliant to crass and occasionally entertaining. Sutton may want to reconsider his legal team strategy before Tuesday.
Anonymous said…
Would like to hear Katus' excuse for his vote.
Anonymous said…
9:00, you are far too civilized. I'll be more blunt. I wouldn't want Duffy anywhere near my side or anyplace else within shouting distance. He is an angry, out-of-control fanatic. (And that description doesn't have a fraction of the nastiness he directs at people on blogs and elsewhere.)
Anonymous said…
Okay, I'm intrigued. Where does he blog? I'd like to check it out.
Anonymous said…
Isn't Duffy SD's Trial Lawyer of the Year for 06?
Anonymous said…
Indeed he is.
Anonymous said…
Then he can't be too bad at his job. I personally think he is hilarious! I don't know for sure, but my guess is that he wouldn't make such statements if he didn't have a great deal of dirty laundry to air.
Anonymous said…
9:18 and 9:20: Need we say more? That's the only group that would be rabid enough to elect him anything.
Anonymous said…
9:25 - Maybe, maybe not on the dirty laundry. That's just Pat's personality. He can't help it. I like Pat. He's smart. He's committed. He's a pretty good lawyer (although I wouldn't hire him). But sometimes . . . .
Anonymous said…
Too bad Gary Moore's not in the Senate any more. He'd fit right into this circus.
Anonymous said…
Duffy is an embarrassment to the legal profession. Most lawyers go about their business in a relatively quiet, respectful and dignified manner. Duffy brings out the worst in people with his spotlight grabbing, premeditated sound bites. He's the only attorney I know who would celebrate his client's felony conviction by pandering to the t.v. cameras on the courthouse steps while smoking his churchill cigar. If that's the type of representation you like, get used to wearing orange jumpsuits.
Anonymous said…
9:18 PM: "Duffy SD's Trial Lawyer of the Year"

Duffy is a prime example as to why President Bush and the rest of our Republican Party hates Trial Lawyers!
Anonymous said…
9:53 DM&E employee, SDPB viewer, or both?
Anonymous said…
Duffy may have shown promise in his legal work of early years, but I think his rocket has fallen short of his possibilities.
Anonymous said…
I feel that I need to defend Pat a bit. Never thought I'd do that. I disagree with his politics and his ideology. Pat's a nut - but a well-meaning one. You could do worse for a lawyer - especially if you're a criminal defendant. At his best, he does have a way with a jury. At his worst - well, those quotes are classic Duffy - everything is overdone. Still, I like the guy. He's entertaining.
Anonymous said…
Got to like a guy like that. Mad cow!
Anonymous said…
Pat Duffy rocks.
Anonymous said…
Anyone else see the contradiction ?

Isnt this Duffy the same Duffy that sucksexfully(sp) prosecuted a guy in Rapid City for sexual harrassment ?

All that guy (doug hamilton) did was buy a book with questionable pictures, leave it where his female employees saw it, or, showed it to them, and wham, Duffy made a jury believe that guy was scum and cost him like 6 million dollars ?

Now this same Duffy (I think)is defending a guy that is accused of actually fondling an employee,,, Gotta love a guy with standards like that. I can see why he is lawyer of the year hahaha, if this is the same Duffy ?

anybody know ?

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