Updates at the SDWC

I've been noticing for quite some time that my links on the right are about as dated as my musical tastes, so I took some time to delete the departed websites such as my favorite, GutzonBorglum online, and not so favorites such as SD Radicals, and I've added some to the blogroll that I've long had added in the webfeeds.

So, you'll notice that the Hog House Blog, Dakota Women, Coat Hangers at Dawn, the Argus' Voices blog, and another one or two have a home on the right of the page to go along with the one on the left.

And, I have my fingers crossed. I successfully added the Radioactive Chief's website to the RSS feed aggregator for the first time in a year or so. Hopefully the chief will keep us updated on conservatism in Moody County.


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