
From Denise Ross over at the Hog House Blog:

I'm not sure if I could put a better caption on that photo, taken as Democratic Senator Tom Katus was noticeable as the only legislator who dared to show up at the environmental activist event this weeken in Rapid City.


Anonymous said…
Good for him. It's nice to see that someone cares about the environment.
Anonymous said…
OK, I will give Katus credit for showing up. But the Hoghouse and the other "media types" especially the RCJ love this guy. He sneezes and it gets in the paper. Or on Hoghouse.
Anonymous said…
12:15 -
Who else would you call for a view point from an elected democrat in Rapid City?
Anonymous said…
When will we gutless Repubs get it? We exist because of our combined acquiesence of chicken shitness. In other words we have an unwritten pact that says it's ok for us to be cowards. This site is a prime example of that. Gutless wonders, each and every anonymous one of us. And even worse, we're proud of it. We appreciate the mechanics. Hitler banked on folks like us. Wake up, turkeys.
Anonymous said…
12:18, how about McLaughlin? McCracken? Oops, they are supposedly Republicans. Just had to get that in. Seriously, though, you do have a good point. I am not saying the news media shouldn't call him for comments on things. He does, as you point out, have a unique position in RC and the legislature. I am referring to events, where the news media seem to gravitate toward him.
Anonymous said…
2:59 -- OMG! Turkeys have been insulted! Somebody call the PC Police! Or MSNBC!!
Anonymous said…
3:14 - don't leave out VanEtten. Or is he supposedly a Republican too? Katus is at least honest about where his loyaties are. The other three are almost as big a RINOs as Stan.
Anonymous said…
In this picture, Katus is actually trying to figure out which end screws into the fixture. Now that some bulbs are spirally at both ends, it's not as easy as it once was.
Anonymous said…
the only legislator that dared show up? Don't be so smug. The envoirnmental folks are easy to pick on, but they vote, and they write checks too.
Anonymous said…
Just because he's the only one you have a picture of doesn't mean he's the only one who showed up.

But I understand, most legislators love having high electricity bills and would never use a product that would save them money. Appears to be their philosophy at the state level, as well.
Anonymous said…
Holy balls! Is the same tree-huggin' hippie freak posting all these enviro-nutjob comments?

I'm all for buying twisty lightbulbs, but I couldn't care less about being at a flippin' event that celebrates them. I'm glad to know who was there, however. In driving to and from the event in his gas guzzler, Tom Katus (and all the other environmental whackos) spent more in petroleum than they could ever hope to save by burning the $4 light bulbs. Events such as these are all for show. "Look at me. I care."
Anonymous said…
This event (stepitup2007) was a total flop. The tide is turning against them. The one in Rapid only had a dozen people and a misguided state pol(light bulbs will make a difference...really, just watch out for the mercury) and a moron anti uranium mining activist (that's right, South Dakota could produce it's own nuclear fuel.), who said no to coal or nuclear and we must develop alternatives. She said "South Dakota is the Saudi Arabia of wind." Like wind energy will ever be ANYTHING other than marginally supplemental. With what we face that statement is pure buffoonery. But the local rossies (the drive-by media) were all over it.

People are waking up to their global warming/chicken little hyperbole. They know it's a bunch of socialist wackos intent on weakening the American economy and undermining your quality of life combined with an academic elite addicted to government research grants so they find plenty of reasons to need more government grants to do more studies and write more papers about the need to do more studies, nothing more.

Now that they have thin majorities in congress, they want to destroy as much as possible and they have the help of our princes stephony.

I read that the rally in Reno, Nev. (10 or 15 were present)was canceled because of cold and snow. Hahahaha...Just like the conference on Global Warming set for Minneapolis a few weeks back. Canceled because of severe cold and blizzard conditions.
Anonymous said…
How many of you heard ABC News this Thursday when they announced that this April has been the coldest on record in 113 years?

Global warming? I guess not!!!
Anonymous said…
Global warming deniers are about as credible as the young Earth gang (Ellis, Lexrex, etc.).

In other words, denying that global warming is occuring is about as intelligent as believing the Earth is 6000 years old.

There may be some debate about what's causing it: human beings, natural cycles, or some combination of the two.

But to say it's not happening at all is just plain dumb.

And it's especially dumb to say, because it was cold yesterday, global warming must not be occuring. That's like saying because it rained one day, there's no drought.
Anonymous said…
9:32 - I don't suppose you'd care to offer us some proof of global warming, would you? Real proof, not just more blather about Al Gore's crackpot theories?
Anonymous said…
There is pretty much a consensus in the scientific community that it is happening. I mean, virtually across the board, scientists are in agreement about that. The debate is about what's causing it.

Yeah, there are few crackpot scientists out there who deny it. Just like there were crackpot scientists who denied that cigarettes cause cancer.

But really, the silliest thing of all is saying that since it was cold somewhere in April, it MUST not be happening. As if that's conclusive proof of anything. Ridiculous.
Anonymous said…
I thought science was based on fact, not consensus. Are we now going to start drawing concrete solutions based on scientific consensus?
Anonymous said…
"I thought science was based on fact, not consensus."

It's pretty difficult to reach hard facts in the scientific world. Even what we think of as the most elementary principles are but theories. I'm not sure if we'll ever be able to be certain about the existence of global warming to the point of scientific fact.

But based on facts (i.e., observations of the natural world, and analysis of historical and geological climate data) the scientific community as a whole essentially agrees that the Earth is warming up.

Again, I'm not talking about what's causing global warming. I'm just talking about its existence.

"Are we now going to start drawing concrete solutions based on scientific consensus?"

When did this little debate switch to a discussion of solutions? All I'm talking about is whether or not global warming exists. This in response to some poster who said that it was cold yesterday, so it must not exist.

If it does exist, then we can talk about what's causing it.

If we conclude that human beings are causing it, THEN we can start talking about "concrete solutions."

Hold your horses. Try to stick to the first question: is global warming occuring?
Anonymous said…
You know who used to use that "Saudi Arabia of wind" line all the time? Larry Dietrich. It's not a partisan issue.
Anonymous said…
Global warming is a fad. When I was a kid, it was "acid rain." More recently, mad cow, hoof and mouth (renamed foot and mouth by the media to create a stir among people who thought they might be prime candidates for foot and mouth), anthrax, west nile, etc. etc. etc.

Ladies and gentlemen, rest easy. The sky is not falling, the sun is not burning out, and we will have enough energy to sustain ourselves. Also, don't forget: if some politicians weren't so preoccupied with trying to facilitate a crisis, there would be numerous more power plants on line. That wouldn't make for a good story, though. Where's the fun in that?
Anonymous said…
2:05 - Scientists have been claiming that there were major climate changes coming for the last century. This link provides evidence:
Anonymous said…
10:07 And they were right. There have been major climate changes.
Anonymous said…
Just not the changes that Al Gore claims. Pretty funny, isn't it?
Anonymous said…
Al Gore just wants to be the Prez, and this is his claim to fame to get noticed again and get his foot in the door. If he really cared about global warming, he wouldn't live in a HUGE house that consumes HUGE amounts of electricity (resources) and he wouldn't fly around in his private jet. And his hooey about carbon credits is just hooey (and to top it all off it's his own company that he buys them from). He's a joke.
Anonymous said…
"I don't approve of political jokes. . . too many of them get elected." - Mark Twain

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