Speaking of Senator Thune, he was quoted in "the HIll" yesterday on Gonzales

Speaking of Senator Thune as I did in the past post, I see he was quoted in the on-line edition of the Washinton insider publication "The Hill" regarding embattled attorney general Alberto Gonzales:

Many Republicans have adopted a wait-and-see pattern with regard to Gonzales, but are careful not to back him squarely.

Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) said it is not time for the attorney general to resign, though he also noted that there is cause for concern.

“There have been some pretty serious questions raised about his performance, and those questions have to be answered,” Thune said.

Asked about Gonzales’s chances of remaining on the job, Thune said he had a better chance of winning his NCAA basketball pool than to setting any odds for what the future would hold for the attorney general.

Read it all here.


Anonymous said…
Basketball pool? Isn't gambling illegal at Bushwood?

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