I was inspired by the "Pelosification" word that I coined. Or maybe I should have termed it "Washington Transformers"

Go check out xiberpix.com for the software I found to do this.

(And before some of you start going off, can't we poke a little fun? Some of you take this website WAY too seriously.)


Anonymous said…
Eerie. The only thing that changes is her hairstyle.
Anonymous said…
Be careful with that, PP. Next thing you know someone will be doing that with you, the two you-know-whos and Jabba the Hutt. You reap what you sow, big fella.
Anonymous said…
We get it. Pelosi's your new boogey(wo)man.
Anonymous said…
That is kind of funny. Can you do one with our retard president?
Anonymous said…
Or maybe, "What neocons do when their statist buddies are in trouble."
Anonymous said…
Brock Greenfield and Ted Klaudt would morph well. Their legislative voting records are much more similar than those of Herseth Sandlin & Pelosi.
Anonymous said…
Just like Dan Sutton and Scott Heidepreim.
Anonymous said…
11:35 Really? Have you been paying attention at all?
Anonymous said…
boy, the Stephanie spokesman is working hard posting here
Anonymous said…
HA! this is great! picture is worth a thousand words
Anonymous said…
please put up more Bon Jovi photos
Anonymous said…
PP, have you asked Smiling Mike to cool it on the rain prayers a little, or at least pray for intermittant light showers?
Anonymous said…
You can do your own morph on Greenfield/Klaudt.

Go to legis.state.sd.us

Then click on past sessions

Then click 2006 session

Then click members

Then click Klaudt - Greenfield - Klaudt - Greenfield

repeat as often as many times as you want to laugh.
Anonymous said…
Actually if you click on 2002 session, it's an even better match for klaudt/greenfield.
Anonymous said…
12;12 Cool. And if you do it about 20 times, then hit the "back" button over and over real fast it gets really good.
Anonymous said…
Herseth looks like Mary Tyler Moore in about the Middle of it.
Anonymous said…
To me, the coolest part of the Steph/Nanci morph is watching the brooch turn into a necklace.
Anonymous said…
The Herseth Pelosi morph gives me chills up my spine.
Anonymous said…
I used to play with a program called "Elastic Reality" back in the day. One time I put a picture of my mother in law and her husband in there to see if anything in the middle looked like my wife or her brother. Didn't happen, but there were a whole bunch of other "relatives" in there.
Anonymous said…
it's not "going off" to point out you've got a creepy fixation on Herseth's appearance.
Anonymous said…
It's official - PP you've turned into a high school girl making snotty little comments about nothing. I used to think that this blog was worth coming to - you're a little conservative for my taste but I regarded you as an intelligent grown-up. Your constant belittling of Stephanie is not becoming. Why don't I ever see you making fun of John Thune's hair? I have to wonder if Stephanie doesn't have a good case of sexual discrimination here.

And can you honestly tell me that you think the best way of dealing with global warming is burying your head in the sand? Are you really willing to chance being wrong just because the democrats are pushing the issue?
Anonymous said…
i love it when the liberals can't respond to the flip-flops that PP is pointing out so they just whine about PP being mean....pathetic
Anonymous said…
3:26 you mean Herseth Sandlin really did become Pelosi?

And I thought this morph thing was just a tawdry fantasy PP created. But that photo thing is an honest to God flip flop huh?

Those damned whiny liberals
Anonymous said…
ever since PP left his state sponsored job this blog has gone from mildly informative to just plain stupid.

apparently drawing a taxpayer funded paycheck was your muse, kind sir.

but we do have that fancy website with the black background and yellow letters or whatever...
Anonymous said…
Lowest common denominator.
Anonymous said…
PPs attacks on Stephanie, although I support to the death his right to pursue them, are even weirder given that I was recently privy to a Herseth family conversation in which they observed, bemused, that "Stephanie is the only Republican we've ever had in our family." To paint Stephanie as a left wing nut wing liberal, Pelosified or not, is simply not recognizing the truth of her politics. But, I suppose there has to be something (shallow) to do here...might as well bash Stephanie by making (shallow) (stupid) comments about her appeareance. (as if that had anything to do with some kind of intelligent political dialogue...an issue I think I just read on another part of this website was the subject of a mini-lecture to a spammer-off topic-tangentially-agenda'ed contributor).
Anonymous said…
bring in those illegal immigrants to milk the cows, Stephanie. She better hope her newspapers don't report that news.
Anonymous said…
speaking of flip-flops, didn't Bush do a major flip-flop on global warming...ignoring it for years and sending out his bureaucratic minions to tell the public that it was mere fantasy, and then just a month ago saying it is a real problem that we must deal with?

what about THAT major flip-flop, pp?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
She does have the same hair as Bon Jovi!
Anonymous said…
Someone needs to tell Stephanine that she is supposed to wear a shirt under her suit jacket...she's a married woman now, not trolling for men in a bar.
Douglas said…
One might think anonymous wingnuts were all nasty creeps reading this and all kneejerk liberals were totally humorless.

On the other hand, I thought the TV ads in the Barnett, Rounds, and what's his name GOP primary were really funny and on the mark. The result suggested to me that Republican primary voters were totally humorless.

The "pelosification" is funny and amusing and PP was honest and open enough to provide a link to the software which is also interesting and appears to be free or fairly priced.

After all our SD congress critters (a term Kevin Wooster apparently won't allow at Mt. Blogmore even if Google has 400,000 or so hits) voted for the Bush war, I don't think any of them deserve an inordinate amount of respect.

There are now 3500 US soldiers dead as a result of their crappy judgment or deceit or complete inability to detect a Bush smirk indicating another one of his lies. Have at the congress critters ...Democrat or Republican.
Anonymous said…
That spider pin that crawls off Miss Perky's lapel and wraps itself around Pukey Pelosi's throat gives me the willies! I agree with 11:14 - it is creepy.

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