TAR Camp is almost here.... Are you signed up?

If you are (or have) a teenager who appreciates the finer points of politics, and wants a few days of rest, relaxation and political chatter in the Black Hills of South Dakota - the Teenage Republicans want you!

They want you to send your kid to TAR camp out in the Hills July 22-27th. I believe it's $200 and there are a ton of fun activities for them (Hikes, tubing, waterslides, etc) in addition to hearing from most of our state's leaders including John Thune, the Governor, constitutional officers, etcetera, as have all been out there speaking in past years.

For more information (including the bus schedule of the bus going from Eastern SD to camp) contact PUC Commissioner Dusty Johnson.

I'm proud to be sending my #2 daughter out there this year - my first TAR camper!! So send someone who she can pal around with for my sake.

UPDATE - oops. G0 to http://www.sdtars.com for more information


Anonymous said…
I went to TAR Camp when I was younger and it is an incredible time.

Wayne Gilbert said…
Why didn't you preface this topic with the apology you had for the Sandlin/Pelosi topic. They are both equally lame.
PP said…
Sorry, but fostering the next generation of political leaders is important to some people.

(Not all kids are devoted to nintendo and xbox. Some actually care about the world around them)
Anonymous said…
I wouldn't be surprised if that Arron Lorenzen went to TAR camp...he's already preped to be Governor...and would probably be a lot better one than our current one!
Anonymous said…
Hey TARs is great the kids have a real good time and the guest speakers and the activities are enjoyed!
Sign up it is a great time!!!!!
Anonymous said…
I wish I would of had TARs offered in the state and in the area I grew up! After moving to SD I learned about TARs and back 100%.

GO TARS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Some of the people I met at TARs, now lead national campaigns, are CEO's & CFO's of corporations, are big-shot attorneys, and most are really great Moms & Dads.

I think TARS is a wonderful organization and I totally recommend it to all kids & parents. One week in the Hills for $250. I betcha the county org. have scholarships available. e-mail Dusty.
Anonymous said…
My dad said that my mom married him because he got her elected at TAR camp.
Anonymous said…
Has anyone ever heard of the term "tar-tar"?
Anonymous said…
Hmmmmmm. Bunches of blond, blue-eyed, red-cheeked girls and boys all scrubbed to a high shine. I imagine Ted Klaudt has been invited to speak to them.

Dan Sutton is providing security.
Anonymous said…
bob- get a life.

there are not enough dems to come close to putting together a camp like this. they tried, it did not work.

this camp is young adults with like ideals spending a week in the beautiful black hills, and being able to learn about the political process.

judging from the caliber of my high school government teacher,(or should I say my basketball coach) somebody needs to teach students something about the government/ election process. but my theory about hiring teachers before coaches is for another day.
Anonymous said…
A week in the Black Hills: cool.

Learning about the political process? Hardly.
Anonymous said…
Did you go to TAR Camp? I am curious how you would have any idea. I went, and similar to the earlier post, learned more from the counselor, speakers and fellow campers about government and politics than any classroom I was in during high school. Please stick to posting on something you know a little bit about.
Anonymous said…
It figures that the SP's (as O'Reilly likes to call them) will trash an event that helps young people become good citizens and presumably offers a wholesome atmosphere. And Newland, you are despicable (if that is really you). Maybe if you had had some influences like the TAR folks in your early life, you wouldn't be such a miserable human being.
Anonymous said…
This is where having politically inactive parents hurts. I would have loved to do something like TARS as a kid, but didn't know anything about it, or where to go to find out.
Anonymous said…
My daughter is too young to attend, but I have mentioned it to my niece and she is very interested. I called Dusty and he was very helpful. There isn't an active organization, TAR or County, but Dusty was eager to help her out. This is a great opportunity for young people to learn the process and to take pride in the principles they already hold, or to help shape their principles as they head to high school and college. For kid's of this age, it shouldn't be a point for the posters criticize. If my nieces wanted to go the TAD (if it exists), more power to her, I will just have to work with her more.
PP said…
I finally got around to actually asking my daughter WHY she's been pestering me to go, and I was surprised that the cool tubing stream that goes through the camp was third on her list - hearing from our state's elected leaders was #1, and meeting new friends was #2.
Anonymous said…
Jafar Karim
Marty Jackley
Rob Fouberg
Hugh Weber
Angi Nielsen
Dusty Johnson
Tom Muenster
Reed Holwegner
Gabe Mydland
Etc, Etc, Etc

The list of TARs who have gone on to be great citizens just continues to grow. I don't know if TARs attracts or produces oustanding people, but it doesn't seem to hurt.
Anonymous said…
10:53 calls Newland "despicable" and "a miserable human being."

Wow, that's pretty harsh. Did you ever stop to think there's more to a person than their words on a silly internet site read by a few hundred people?

It's more likely that someone so carelessly willing to make this kind of serious judgment about another person is the one more likely to be miserable and despicable...
Anonymous said…
So, 11:48, you wouldn't call what Newland (or whomever) said in 9:17 as harsh and carelessly judgmental? Not to mention many of the other harsh things he has said in the past? Newland dishes it out. He can take it.
Anonymous said…
WHATEVER. It is clear that Newland is just performing his usual smart ass troll behavior. Just remember...

the key to blogging is "IT"--IGNORE TROLLS!
Anonymous said…
I would recommend it but I believe in less government and controlled spending.

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