The results are in. It's Munson by a nose.

Just under 900 votes separate the winner from the loser in Sioux Falls runoff election for mayor.

And current mayor Dave Munson has won re-election with 51.7 percent of the votes.

Challenger Bruce Halverson finished with 48. 3 percent. All night, the totals were close, which made for a tense wait for the candidates.

When the first votes came in, Dave Munson was trailing Bruce Halverson. But as the nail-biter of a night went on, the mayor's support started adding up and he says he couldn't be happier.

There was a time Dave Munson didn't think his political career would end like this.

Munson says, "It's been exciting, it's been great."
Read it all here.


Anonymous said…
"End like this"? Is this the end?

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