Candidate website - Dinah Paris

District 31 Democrat Dinah Paris has a website out on the Internet advertising her candidacy. It's not terribly complex, but despite the lack of fancy multimedia, I found it relatively attractive and easy to navigate.

Asthetics aside, her Issues She Cares About Page nearly gave me nightmares as a Republican. It was straight out of the "how to paint a Democrat as a tax and spend social libertarian" manual. Yes, as a conservative Republican, I'm sure I would disagree with her on many issues. But good gosh, I'm not be sure how spending without any consideration of restraint is going to play out in the hills. But we're going to find out.

Don't get me wrong. Giving teachers a 15% increase is a direct benefit to me, having a spouse in education. But I see nothing in her platform on how to pay for it out of already strapped state and educational budgets. (an increase in taxes, perhaps?)

Anyway, design gets a B+. Ideology gets a D-.


Anonymous said…
Gosh, yeah, those pesky nurses worrying about women's health. Nightmrish, isn't it?
Anonymous said…
Of course, those in charge of state government in the last four years have done a wonderful job keeping spending under control.
Anonymous said…
Talk about a left-wing wacko, this woman is scary!
Anonymous said…
Talk about a left-wing wacko, this woman is scary!

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