SDGOP goes after Herseth as one of Pelosi's puppies

The South Dakota Republican Party issued a press release today going after Stephanie Herseth for voting no to opening 2,000 acres of the Artic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas exploration. From the release:
For Immediate Release: Contact: Max Wetz
Friday, May 26, 2006 (605) 224-7347

Herseth stands with Pelosi, Dems on energy bill
Congresswoman votes against ending dependence on foreign oil

PIERRE – When she had the chance to help reduce gas prices and create new jobs, Rep. Stephanie Herseth didn’t stand up for South Dakota consumers but instead followed Nancy Pelosi’s direction in voting “NO” on HR 5429 - the American-Made Energy and Good Jobs Act.

The bill would open 2,000 acres of the Artic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas exploration. The estimated 1 million barrels of oil that could be produced per day at peak production is nearly equal to what the U.S. imports from Saudi Arabia every day.

“The oil we could produce in our own country would be a valuable complement to the ethanol we produce right here in South Dakota,” said South Dakota Republican Party Chairman Randy Frederick. “It’s hard to believe Rep. Herseth’s rhetoric about wanting to change our country’s dependence on foreign energy sources when she chooses party politics over helping to reduce sky high gas prices.”

One provision of the bill would ban the export outside of the United States of oil and natural gas taken from the drilling area. “This was an opportunity for Rep. Herseth to make a real difference for everyone in South Dakota but she chose to side with Nancy Pelosi rather than the citizens of our state,” Frederick said. “She is no ‘Blue Dog Democrat.’ She is one of Nancy Pelosi’s puppies and this vote clearly shows that.”
Ummm... Err.... It's a clever line, but anything I say about Herseth and puppies is just going to be taken in a wrong, wrong way, so I'm going to leave it alone.


Anonymous said…
Leave it to Chairman Feedsack to start namecalling. The Republican state party is pathetic in its desperate attempts to get any traction against Representative Herseth.

How much have the American taxpayers paid so far to take over Iraq with the second largest oil reserve in the world? And what did we get in return - gas prices doubled. Oilmen Bush and Cheney are and their big-oil cronies are laughing all the way to the bank.
Anonymous said…
I don't think most people realize the vastness of ANWR. It consists of over 19,000,000 acres. That compares in size to the portion of South Dakota east of the Missouri to the Minnesota border.

Only 2000 acres of the 19 million would be needed for the drilling. That is a little over 3 square miles.

Think about it, 3 sq miles out of eastern SD, that's the equivalent that would be used for drilling in ANWR.

Remember the outcries we had when the Alaskan pipeline was built?
It would devestate the caribou herds. Well, they've grown in numbers from a little over 7,000 to over 24,000.

We should definitely drill there.
Anonymous said…
WE could drill in ANWR and it still wouldn't change the underlying problem. The US is heavily dependent on foreign sources of energy.

This country needs leadership that is willing to fund a Manhattan Project for energy. Imagine if all the money poured into Iraq had instead been put into research into alternative sources of energy. The leader who is willing to make that kind of investment will, in fifty years, be considered a true visionary.

Randy "Feedsack" Frederick is just doing the job Mike Rounds appointed him to do. Be a lapdog, and bark at whoever walks by. All noise, no action.
Anonymous said…

The idea that you would only need 2000 acres is drivel. If you lay a spider web of pipeline across a frozen plain, yes, you won't "cover" much at all.

Plus, last I checked you thought dinosaurs never existed and the bones are plants by liberal wackos looking to push their evolutionary agenda on the rest of us. And if I remember my Saturday Morning Cartoons, the dinosaurs became the oil when they died millions of years ago (presupposing the earth is more than 6000 years old) and so...let me think about his...oil must be a pro-evolutionary conspiracy. The Arab countries and Hugo Chavez must also be pro-evolutionary wackos. Certainly intelligent design can’t be applied to Chavez so that make sense.

What does this have to do w/Herseth and her new hair and the fact that her opponent has been deserted by the party and has less money in his campaign account than my 5 year olds college fund.
Anonymous said…
Oh, love the fitting name for Randy Frederick, "Feedsack" yes, it is 100 pounds of Bullsh** in a 50 pound bag. He has to go!
Anonymous said…
Anon 8:28, you don't need a spiderwed of pipelines. Don't you know that they don't have to drill just straight down? Haven't for years. They can angle in several directions from one area.

Besides, we're not talking about the wells being plastered all over ANWR, just up by the North Slope, or didn't you know that?

Anon #1 critized Frederick for name-calling Herseth a puppy, but you guys are no different; Feedsack, cronies, lapdog, 100 pounds of bullshit, way to go guys, you put yourself in the same class as Frederick.

By the way 8:28, Where did I ever say I didn't believe in dinosaurs? It shows me you that you will say anything with no regard to truth, or maybe you can't help the delirious ramblings.

At least Nemec was trying for some valid arguments until he had to throw in 'lapdog'.
Anonymous said…
RE: How Feedsack got his name

Randy got that nickname while he got paid for taking up space in the appropriations committee. He replaced Senator Henry Poppen, R-DeSmet, who was a respected, gentlemanly legislator whose clout relied upon using one's common sense and personal initiative to persuade others. Nobody ever heard a single beligerent remark cross his lips during his lifetime of public service.

Frederick, who was a nicer guy before he got elected, started out trying to impress folks by making snarky, smart-alecky remarks to belittle others. Then he lost his sense of humor and remained snarky, only boring.

Then one night, while folks were watching Randy leaning back with his eyes closed during a late appropriations session, someone remarked that Randy's usefulness in discussions and his rotund, bumpkinish appearance were reminiscent of a feedsack ... with legs. Hence, Feedsack.

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