Does Cecelia Fire Thunder hate Reporters AND Kids? Where's the Democratic Indignation now?

Kevin Woster over at Mt. Blogmore has made a couple posts in the last few days with regards to the unresponsiveness of Oglala Sioux Tribe President (And SDDP board member) Cecelia Fire Thunder:

From the first post:

Newshound or not, I had to admit that I didn’t have a clue. I tried to find out a few weeks back, but Fire Thunder ignored a string of my telephone calls seeking her response to comments by a former tribal judge that such a clinic would violate tribal code.

I called every day for a week, both at her office and on her cell phone - which soon became useless because the mail box was full. Fire Thunder was in the office when I called at least a couple of times. And I left her messages on her voicemail before it filled up. She never called me back.

I left messages for her assistant as well. She never called me back, either.

From the second post:

The president of the Oglala Tribe stood up an assembly of 8th-graders Wednesday at North Middle School. She just didn’t show up for a scheduled meeting with the group, which included lots of American Indian kids.

No call or notice, according to the Journal reporter assigned to cover the event, which left lots of disappointed students and staff.

Do you think she doesn’t like them, either?

Kevin makes the inevitable joke about feeling like an Argus Leader reporter calling the Governor, but the difference here is that he's not suing Cecelia, and she's not under legal advice to only talk to him with an attorney present.

But it does bring up a point about what's good for the goose being what's good for the gander. The SDDP Blue Note weblog has been all over the Governor for not speaking to the Argus. So where is the indignation for Cecelia's lack of response to Kevin Woster?

Is she not a political figure in South Dakota? Does she not lead a unit of government within our state's boundaries? So why aren't they jumping all over her for her lack of response to Kevin?


Anonymous said…
PP, your headline is a disgrace.

You should be ashamed.
Anonymous said…
PP - Looks like you need to retake some of that phenomenal SD education.

(that is assuming you really meant indignation, not indigantion)
Anonymous said…
Woster sure likes to ask a lot of questions whenever a Democrat might have to answer a tough question. You sure don't see that level of enthusiasm for Thune or the Chair of the SDGOP, which recently broke FEC laws.
PP said…
Eddie - if I had any shame I wouldn't be working political campaigns.

Anon, Yes, ok, I don't have spell check, and I can't type worth a poop. I hammered out three posts in about 20 minutes or so, so error checking was not a priority.

And Seth, there have been plenty of times Republicans have been hammered by one or both of the Woster brothers.

Just as with any other reporter, sometimes my side gets to go "yeah" and pump our fist when we see a story, and sometimes your side gets to do it.
Anonymous said…
pp--not saying the RCJ doesn't occasionally hammer Republicans. But if you can point to one instance where Kevin Woster has gone after a Republican with as much zest in the past year and a half, I'll eat the shirt on my back.
Anonymous said…
There's nothing wrong with the headline or the story. What's digraceful is how hypocritical some people can be when defending one of their own. This woman sounds pathetic and deplorable.

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