Family policy council has the scoop on the candidates

Sometimes I agree with them. Sometimes I don't. But no one can deny that the Family Policy is a presence in South Dakota politics that isn't going away. This politically active group focuses on Judeo-Christian issues in Government, and could arguably be considered THE group that the Mainstream Coalition was formed in opposition of.

One of the things that the FPC has done for several years since it's inception is a voter guide intended to be included in church bulletins. For the voters in that target group, the effect of these voters guides can be tremendous.

I'm bringing this all up, because just two weeks out from the election, the FPC has their voter guides for the legislative and gubernatorial primaries available for viewing on their website.

In just a few minutes, I found out they are listing Maxwell in District 12 and Souter in District 13 as the only primary candidates supporting the legalization of medical marijuana; about the only issue from the list that Ken Wetz and Ted Klaudt seem to disagree on is a racial quota on the corrections commission. And in the Adelstein/Schwiesow race, that and legislation limiting conservation officers’ access to private land is about the only things that they do agree on.

Go check it out. It will be worth your while.


Anonymous said…
Is there a reason we don't see Rounds on the scorecard?
Anonymous said…
The Family Policy Council's survey is highly misleading, which is why many candidates choose not to answer it and be taken out of context. They do not report any comments that candidates make concerning their actual positions - only yes or no. So for instance, candidates who support significant limits on abortion but not HB 1215 are simply listed as "N", which leads readers to believe - maybe incorrectly - that the candidate is pro choice.

This group is not interested in giving meaningful information about candidates' actual positions. They are only interested in giving all or nothing labels to candidates. If the Family Policy Council wanted to be useful, it would post the candidates' actual answers and comments online in their entirety.
Anonymous said…
Candidate statements are ridiculous. At the end of the day you are either for or against what the Family Policy Council, or any other survey, has to say.

Don't fault the FPC for using a slanted survey. They have a position and the candidate will either be for or against the statement. If the candidate does not want to answer then don't answer.

Candidates have the ultimate power to participate in a voter survey. What's misleading in American politics today is a refusal by many candidates to just use straight simple talk to explain thier positions.
Anonymous said…
Primary candidates Maxwell and Souter apparently have some common sense in their support of medical marijuana.
Anonymous said…
To bad so many candidates whimped out and didn't have the brains or guts to answer the questions. They're pretty straight forward, and would be easy to answer unless you're a fence-sitter and try to please everyone.(that doesn't work)
Anonymous said…
To anon 12:13, its the candidates with the brains that didn't answer the survey. The smart ones aren't going to let FPC put out half truths and misrepresentations about their positions. How Christian is a group that puts out half truths?

If the FPC were really a christian based organization, they would be pushing to raise the minimum wage, for jobs with living wages so families could spend more time together instead of working two jobs, for increased access to affordable healthcare, for expanded daycare opportunities. FPC is a sham group that merely exists to pad the pockets of its staff.
Anonymous said…
Yes….the Family Policy Council. This is the enlightened group that compared Tom Daschle to Saddam Hussein in a newspaper ad. Boy, I guess everyone should want to stay on their good side.
Anonymous said…
anon 9:02, you aren't describing a christion organizaton, you're describing a deomcrat one. Since when are the minimum wage, daycare and halthcare "christian issues"? What kind of Bible do you read? I see no half-truths and misrepresentations in their info.

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