I don't know if those kids are old enough to have said that

In the Watertown Public Opinion, there's been a war of Grandchildren started. Claire Konold started by using his grandsons in one of his ads this weekend. And soon to be coming (yes, ths is a scoop) is this ad in response from his Primary opponent Dennis Arnold:

Cute kids, and I like the ad. Name and office are easily discernible.

Next up, the grandchildren's position on the meandered lakes issue.


Anonymous said…
I agree that those kids are to young to have said that. However, whenever John Thune runs for something, we see his average looking teenagers on TV all the time, and I got real tired of that. WHO is running for office, the individual or the kids?
Anonymous said…
We have too many grandpas running our legislature. We need more young people.
Anonymous said…
anon #1, I think that was a joke.
PP said…
I can confirm that, yes, the headline was an attempt at humor.
Anonymous said…
anon #1, John's girls are above-average looking! You must be a woman.

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