Former and currrent legislators on the HB1215 Referral

From this morning's Dave Kranz Column in the Sioux Falls Argus Leader:
Personnel close to the powerbrokers of the petition effort say they will have no problem getting the ban on the ballot."Yes, I have a good feeling that we will have enough from West River," said state Sen. Stan Adelstein, R-Rapid City, an abortion rights supporter and opponent of the bill.

Former District 9 state Rep. Rich Engels, D-Hartford, is even more specific about progress by opponent efforts on this side of the Missouri River.

"I know people who are circulating them, and they are confident they are well over the number needed to get on the ballot," Engels said.

Word that the deadline for filing the petition could be contested by ban supporters has "fired up" opponents of the ban, said former Republican state Rep. Jan Nicolay, a leader of the Healthy Families group organizing the drive.

Petition carriers say they expect their documents to be filed next week.
Read it all here.


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