That's a scuffle?

Dave Kranz was reporting a scuffle in the abortion debate today in the Sioux Falls Argus Leader. And it really rurned out to be much ado about nothing. (I'd characterize it more as partisan puffery on the issue):
Jan Nicolay, a leader of the group trying to get the issue referred, charges that state Sen. Lee Schoenbeck and state Rep. Roger Hunt, both Republicans, are behind a plan to challenge when the session officially ended, changing the deadline.

Nicolay, a former Republican legislator and Washington High School principal, lashed out at the two legislators, saying they are trying to deny the people a voice.

"State Senator Lee Schoenbeck and state Representative Roger Hunt, the chief author of the abortion ban, are concocting a legal strategy to shut down the petition-signing process nearly three weeks before the deadline set under South Dakota law and confirmed by Secretary of State Chris Nelson," she said.

Officials in Nelson's office continue to tell the Argus Leader that the deadline for filing those petitions is 5 p.m. June 19.


Schoenbeck struck back within a few minutes after Nicolay blamed him for the activity.

"Jan, while I very much disagree with your position on this initiative, I agree that you have until June 19 to get the petitions circulated. I haven't talked to Roger Hunt since sometime during the session, and I haven't been a part of any effort to contact the attorney general about this issue." Schoenbeck said.

He called her accusations "100 percent fiction."

Schoenbeck says he agrees with her argument on the correct process to determine what a legislative day is.

"And I have never deviated from that position - even when it happens to aid a cause like yours that I despise," he said.

Then he gave her advice.

"You need to find some legal hunting season and go blow off some tension."
At least Schoenbeck is retaining his noted sense of humor in the debate. Read it all here. What's with the report of a scuffle? The headline is just a bit misleading - I though a couple people were starting a scuffle ala schoolyard dispute?

This one is going to go downhill before it's all over.


Anonymous said…
Puffery is right, just a publicity stunt for the abort petition drive aided by the willing accomplises in the local press. They must be desperate. A Great example of how the press (local as well as national)earned the lable "the Drive-by media."
Anonymous said…
I agree that the headline was misleading. After reading it I was disappointed that there wasn't any meat on the bones.

But, why is this "partisan puffery"? The story mentioned two legislators, one former legislator, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of State. All Republicans. There isn't a Democrat in the bunch. There is nothing partisan about the abortion issue, it cuts all ways. Good Democrats and good Republicans are on both sides of this fight. To claim otherwise is misleading at best and a lie at worst.

I'm sorry about the rant PP but I expected better.
PP said…
Sorry nick, I wasn't trying to cast this as a gop/dem thing.

I meant partisan as in referring to pro-lifers and pro-choicers. I hadn't considered it couched it in terms of political affiliation.

according to american heritage -

par·ti·san (pärt-zn)


1. A fervent, sometimes militant supporter or proponent of a party, cause, faction, person, or idea.

so, consider it a factional reference, as opposed to a gop/dem thing.

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