Just finished my last ad for the primary.... Ahhhhh.

I just finished designing my last candidate ad for the June 2006 primary. All the various sizes for the newspapers have been handled, and it's done. I can't tell you what a good feeling it is. It's not that I don't enjoy it immensely. It's more of a matter that I can feel like I might be able to relax.

The candidates I'm assisting or working on projects for are all into the home stretch, and barring any last minute emergencies (or spelling errors), the rest is up to them. I finally feel like I have permission to go to bed before midnight (1am...2 am...).

Don't get me wrong, I still have stuff to work on. My day job, and an ad for the blog are on my plate. But the high pressure of campaign deadlines that have kept me up at night are now gone for me, except for the nail biting. I get to sit back and watch.

All in all, I think the year of blogging has done wonders for upping my game. A couple things I've done this election are what I would consider my best work yet. The ads and the brochures have really turned out nicely. One of which I did the principal photography on, and I can't wait to see it in print.

This half blurry photo was from one photoshoot I did, but as you can see, I went for an outdoor setting around the capitol for the scenery. (The candidate which you don't see in the foreground is not blurry). This one was for a different background for the same candidate, and they really turned out nice.

I'll have to ok it with the candidates first, but if it works out, I might have to host sharing time, where I show some of what I did and I'll critique my work. I know what flaws there are, and what I'd change if I were to do it again. I'm twice as hard on myself as I am on others. (Because if I wasn't, I wouldn't be feeling so darn good about the election at this point.)

This temporary euphoria will subside quickly enough. On June 6th, I'll be pacing the floor watching returns. Nothing else, just pacing and looking stressed. I'm always a wreck on election night.

But until then, stay tuned, get your popcorn, and enjoy the rest of the election.


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