Next time someone talks about Stem Cell research, point out this example of where some of them are coming from.
I actually found this on as their site of the day. I'm assuming it was named as such because it's so over the top and horrific. But even worse, this is not something out of "the onion" or another parody website. It's coming from thes BBC and it's being reported as the stone cold honest truth.
Why do I mention it? Stem Cell research was brought up in several federal campaigns this year negatively against Republicans opposing it. Before it might possibly become an issue in South Dakota in future campaigns, we need to look at the other side of the story.
Healthy new-born babies may have been killed in Ukraine to feed a flourishing international trade in stem cells, evidence obtained by the BBC suggests.Read it all here.
Disturbing video footage of post-mortem examinations on dismembered tiny bodies raises serious questions about what happened to them.
Ukraine has become the self-styled stem cell capital of the world.
There is a trade in stem cells from aborted foetuses, amid unproven claims they can help fight many diseases.
But now there are claims that stem cells are also being harvested from live babies.
One campaigner was allowed into the autopsy to gather video evidence. She has given that footage to the BBC and Council of Europe.
A senior British forensic pathologist says he is very concerned to see bodies in pieces - as that is not standard post-mortem practice.
It could possibly be a result of harvesting stem cells from bone marrow.
Hospital number six denies the allegations.
Why do I mention it? Stem Cell research was brought up in several federal campaigns this year negatively against Republicans opposing it. Before it might possibly become an issue in South Dakota in future campaigns, we need to look at the other side of the story.
what does the *world* think about this war we've funded?
where's your principle??
But with the devaluation of life via abortion and it's becoming routine in our thinking, could this possibly be the next step? After all, a healthy baby can be killed via abortion up until the moment of birth, and is by the abortionist in I think Kansas, what's the difference in some minds if it's done immediately after birth? How has that child suddenly changed simply by passing through a birth canal?
Too bad this didn't come up before the abortion vote here in SD. It might have changed the minds of a few pro abortion people
But our country could stop this by using the stem cells that are available in our country in the form of unused embryos at all these fertility clinics which will never be used.
No one person needs to have 10 or 20 embryos in cold storage or simply thrown out when so many lives could be changed. So many horrific diseases are so debilitating and ruin families and their lives. And don't give me that crap that it is God's will. God has given us the modern medicine to help others so lets use his knowledge to help others.
Man (humans) shall be the demise. People need to ook further into issues and not the surface there is always another step that will have to be tried just to try it.
Officer Epp
PP, Step away from the keyboard. Put your hands in the air. Take a deep breath. Count to 100 as you think about the implications of mixing God, government, science, and medicine.
For those of you against stem cell research you should throw the bible at those who go for fertility treatments. As those heathens are also killing embryos- where do you think the extra embryos go to? Is that God's will?
It raises a similar, if somewhat tangent set of ethical questions, not the least of which is the fact that in most cases, gene therapy will only work if each patient treated has access to his/her own discreet pluroptent stem cell line. This creates an potentially enormous market for unfertilized female eggs.
Every woman between the ages of 13 and 35 thus becomes a potential millionaire.
Chew on that one next time you go to donate blood.
Supply and Demand rule. Say you're married to someone who will die without the proper medical treatment. Guess what happens to Price and Quantity when you prohibit the supply of something like medical treatment??? (Free economics lessons available...just respond!!)