Citizens for Open Government in the Sioux Empire point some questions towards Mayor Munson

Click here for the latest release from the Citizens for Open Government in the Sioux Empire. A release just went out from them posing the following questions.
... COGSe also believes Munson's announcement and campaign manager Georgia Hanson's comments also raise a number of new concerns that the local media should investigate.

These concerns include:
  • When did consultants Kip Scott, Ron Williamson, and Ms Hanson receive their "win bonuses"?
  • Were the consultants issued 1099s?
  • When did the Munson campaign decide to give the "win bonuses"?
  • Why were they given so long after the end of the campaign?
  • Why were the "win bonuses" not reported in the campaign finance reports filed immediately after the election?
  • How did the Munson campaign accrue a $1,300 phone bill after the end of the 2002 campaign?
I have some observations on this whole thing that I'll post tonight after I'm home from work. Because the biggest question of all has yet to be answered. And that is...

How in the name of God did someone manage to squeeze that kind of cash out of a candidate for a mayoral race?


Anonymous said…
All great questions especially the 1099 question.

But for you, PP, the real question should be, where can I get a job like that?

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