Pointers - A few things I'd be remiss for not pointing out

This is as good of an excuse to add a new feature for. Just a few things that don't fall into any one category. They aren't news, per se, but they bear noting for the good of the College.

I had it mentioned today to me that Slumberland in Pierre seems to be drawing politicos like flies lately. Both former SDACO Executive Director Dwight Neuharth and the son of Deputy State Treasurer Mike Mehlhaff Sr, Mike Mehlhaff Jr., are working out there nowadays.

In addition to working on the South Dakota Victory efforts of 2002 and 2004, Mike Jr. has been a long, long-time Republican activist who has been putting down roots in Pierre since a stint in the military a few years back. Watch for Mike Jr. to be involved in somebody's campaign this year.

And a note to Sandra - I'm not singling out Democrats for the campaign finance reports. I said I'll be looking at the GOP reports. (I do have to eat and sleep sometimes.)

It did not escape my notice that Angie Nielsen of the South Dakota GOP is listed as treasurer on the South Dakota Leadership PAC, in a similar fashion to the PAC SDDP staffer April Ries is on. I was just saving that one for later.

What do you expect? I'm just an evil Republican blogger anyway.

Former Pressler and Thune Staffer and current North Sioux City HR Director Kory "Hard-Core" Menken was in Pierre January 23rd to testify on a bill, and neither I nor State Auditor Rich Sattgast heard about it? Not even a phone call? I sense a flaming e-mail forming...

Kory was just a pup when he became a regular fixture in Rapid City working for Pressler and Thune. Now that he's a few dog years older, we just don't get to see him as often to enjoy his humor and company. Kory's a hilarious guy, in addition to having been one of the best constituent service people around.

Kory also sits on the State Lottery Commission with Fall River County State's Attorney Lance Russell.

And I'm not sure who wins the contest for the longest legislative columns this year. "Soon to be Senator" Ted Klaudt constantly has his columns spill on to a second page, but his fellow Representative Jamie Boomgarden (who was just awarded the SDPTA's 2005 Physical Therapist of the Year award) also has a tendency to have these incredibly long columns (in 6 or 8 point type, no less).

It's probably just me thinking they're long. They are probably shooting for their highbrow constituents, whereas a political hack like me is going for the lowest common denominator. "Other guy bad, My candidate good" is about as complicated as I dare get.

Where is this sudden burst of readership coming from? My site meter had been peaking out at around 250 individual visits a day average during the work week. That's visits, not page views. On the meter, visits don't count people twice who visit twice during a day. (for page views, I'm between 450-550 daily). But consistently this week, I've been getting 300 visits a day, and page views are right around 600.

I'm noticing this about a day or so after I was humbled by a compliment I was paid from a friend of mine who doesn't throw them around.

What this friend said was that for Republicans, he thinks my blog provides them a unique forum for an exchange of ideas. As he said, "besides the other stuff, who else besides you cares about things like the Republican party trying to reduce the number of executive board members. They're getting things here that they don't get anywhere else, and we're talking about how to make the party better." To me that was pretty profound.

Luckily before my head swelled too much and caused brain damage, another friend, Chris Hipple, said to me about a day ago "I enjoy your blog but you need to learn how to spell; "their" is spelled "the-ir."

Now that I'm back down to earth, I do hope you enjoy the SDWC. Republicans and Democrats alike.


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