
Democratic State Representative Jim Bradford has been a bit of a cut up this session, and I have the sound clips to prove it.

I'm trying to get the best one to convert, but converting the 3 hour block of audio I have to convert to get to it is giving me fits.

Until I get that one, here's a pretty good one on Senate Bill 70 regarding massage therapy.


Anonymous said…
"illegal use of the hands"- is that really in the law? I'm wondering if and how Rep. Weems answered the question.
Anonymous said…
The "PC" thinks that Bradford is the funniest thing to come across the river. Thanks for the entertainment Jim. PP, the next quote is even better. Can't wait.
Anonymous said…
Maybe Little Jim was referring to the wandering hands of Little Dan.
Anonymous said…
Just Bradford an effective legislator? Is he known for anything other than cracking jokes? Inquiring minds want to know. I never heard of the guy until I read this and Mt Blogmore, which is also talking about his jokes.
Anonymous said…
Not really, he's a Dem from an Indian District, so he doesn't get much passed. He brings forth bills, but humbly knows they won't go anywhere. He looks goofy, but is fairly intelligent and makes some good comments.
Anonymous said…
At least Bradford doesn't bring up commemorations about his daughter like Nygaard does. How classless is it that? I know there are a lot of great kids in SD that have done great things, why does Nygaard's daughter get special treatment? I laughed outloud when I saw that on the LRC website! HAH
Anonymous said…
Jim has integrity and a heart of gold.

Rep. Al Novstrup

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