Dave Kranz reports - more possible legislative candidates

In his column in today's Argus Leader, Dave Kranz reports on several new legislative candidates popping out of the woodwork:
Nancy Turbak, one of South Dakota’s most successful trial lawyers, says she will seek the Democratic Party nomination for the District 5 Senate seat in Watertown. Republican Lee Schoenbeck is vacating the seat.

Scott Heidepriem, a Sioux Falls lawyer, is leaning toward a challenge of District 13 Republican state Sen. Dick Kelly. Heidepriem, a Democrat, served eight years in the state House and Senate as a Republican.

“I think our district needs a more progressive agenda than we have seen in the last couple of sessions. The focus should be on grade schools, safe streets, local control and less on the morality agenda,” Heidepriem said.

A Republican primary is brewing in District 10. Frank Alvine plans to run on the Republican ticket against state Sen. Gene Abdallah.

Alvine, a semi-retired orthopedic surgeon, is running because there is no medical voice in the Senate.

“There will be medical issues discussed now and in the future. There are the under-insured, the uninsured. There is rural medicine, Native American medicine and they don’t have anyone speaking for them,” Alvine said.

Republican Rebekah Cradduck is getting encouragement to enter a primary in District 11 against state Sen. Jason Gant. Cradduck previously served in the House and Senate.
Read it all here. Turbak and Heidepriem could be tough Democratic contenders for those seats. While I don't concur with Heidepriem on many issues, the guy knows how to campaign. And Nancy Turbak is certainly not a pauper. She can probably write the check for any campaign advertising she feels she needs.


Anonymous said…
What motive would Cradduck have to run against Jason Gant? He is doing a pretty good job and brings a much needed dose of youth to the state senate.

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