Press Release from the Hughes Co GOP - Governor Rounds to Speak at Lincoln Day Dinner Thursday Night

Just got this in my in-box. I'm planning on being there, and if you can tear away, you all ahould be too. Because of the legislature being in session at this time, this is typically one of the top three Lincoln Day Dinners in the State. If you're running statewide or thinking about it, consider it a must attend.
Governor Rounds to Speak at Lincoln Day Dinner Thursday Night

PIERRE--Governor Mike Rounds will offer the keynote address Thursday night at the legislative District 24 Republican Lincoln Day Dinner to be held at the Ramkota RiverCentre at 5:30pm. Bob Sutton will lead the event as the Master of Ceremonies.

Hughes County Party Chairman, Chad Heinrich announced that volunteers Scott & Angela Olson, Sam Tidball, and Lola Schrieber will each be honored in recognition for their outstanding volunteer work for the Republican Party.

"We look forward to celebrating the work of our volunteers while our party continues to grow.", said Heinrich. "Our success depends on volunteers. They are the lifeblood of the Party."

Tickets can be reserved by calling 280-0053 or may be purchased at the door for $25. The evening begins at 5:30pm with dinner scheduled for 6:30pm.
Ahem. I'd also add you can e-mail me for tickets as well. I still have three burning a hole in my pocket.


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