He's back. Larry Diedrich files petitions for Senate.

This one slipped by without a lot of fanfare. Former State Senator and former GOP Congressional Candidate Larry Diedrich filed his petitions to run for his old seat, now held by Democratic State Senator Jim Peterson. Read it here at the Secretary of State's website.

*Update* - My bad. I didn't see the KELO story last night when I wrote this.


Bob Newland said…
Great. Another craphead back in the game.
Anonymous said…
Without a lot of fanfare? It was on the 10 o'clock news last night!
Anonymous said…
Great! Best wishes and much success to you Larry.
Anonymous said…
PP – I’m curious about your opinion. From a purely political point of view, I don’t understand why Larry would do this. It seems to me that if he has an interest in statewide office he should continue lobbying for some popular causes (wind power) as he has been doing. Why run a race that is not a sure thing (Jim Peterson will be tough to beat in that area) and risk giving up any chance of a comeback?
PP said…
Ben -

This one is a tough one, and I don't know that there is a correct answer.

If a person still has aspirations for higher office, is it better to stay in the game, remaining visible to the public? Or is a candidiate sullying themselves by "dropping back down" from the level they were seeking?

Dave Volk and Jim Burg would both be good examples this year. Dave is running for City Commission in SF, and BUrg is running for Mayor in Wessington Springs.

In Larry's case, I don't know if he still has aspirations for higher office as much as to just serve in the legislature.

I'm sure you'd agree that at times it is equally reward and headache enough.
Anonymous said…
Good answer. I guess I was assuming that he still has aspirations for a higher office.

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