Missed that one.
What you talkin' about Steve Willis?

Can anyone link me to an article on Steve Willis from Sioux Falls running for Governor on the Constitutional Party Ticket? Someone had updated the WIKI with the information on his candidacy, and that he had announced 3/18. If it has been in the media, I missed that one.

Since it's for the constitutional party, it may have been missed. But if anyone knows of it, e-mail me.

Hat tip to Todd Epp at SD Watch for the information on siouxfallspolitics.com. I don't think I'd consider them a weblog as much as a sort of paid wiki that you can't update yourself. At least, it looks like they're doing what I do on my website and the Wiki.... Except on the wiki, contact information is free, and I'm at least $25 a month cheaper for a banner ad.

They are offering banner ads for $75 a month for candidates and blogs, and if you're interested, you can contact them here. Now, If you want to advertise with me (I'm on track to break 10k visitors this month) just click here.

And more on the wiki - robbinsdale radical has been nice enough to contribute to the updating. Thanks!


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