Neat Picture of the Gov Announcement from KGFX News

From KGFX My Daily News. Say what you will (even you gov haters) but dang! I like these banners that Governor Rounds is using in his announcement this Morning at the Pierre Chamber as he announces his re-election bid this morning.

They certainly embolden what is otherwise a drab conference room and make for a good background visual.

And.. there was the announcement as well:
Standing in front of banners containing such words as “Results”, “Cooperation” and “Vision”, Governor Mike Rounds announced this morning that he wants to serve another four years as South Dakota’s leader. Rounds kicked off a day of stops in six South Dakota cities in Pierre this morning, joined by a crowd of over one hundred at the Pierre Chamber of Commerce. Lieutenant Governor Dennis Daugaard introduced Rounds this morning, and in his comments, Daugaard told supporters that Rounds is the best man to lead the state for another four years.
Read it all here.


Anonymous said…
I'm trying to figure out what results and vision they are talking about. Who is he cooperating with? These are very puzzleing terms for this governor.
Publisher said…
Rounds needs a snappy slogan.
Something like, "Hey! At least he's not Bill Janklow!"
Anonymous said…
They remind me of all the big pictures of Chairman Mao we used to see in the background of every photo from China.
Anonymous said…
Nemec ...

I couldn't agree more. My first reaction was visions of some autocratic ruler that has pictures of himself everywhere.

I guess he's taking advantage of the cult of personality that so many GOPers partake in.

Hinkle ...
I'd take Bill Janklow any day of the week over Marion Rounds. Janklow would have never signed a radical abortion ban that doesn't even include exceptions for rape, incest or the health of the mother.
Anonymous said…

I strongly disagree with your postive assessment of these signs. In 2002, Rounds' most powerful asset was his humble demeanor (much like Tim Johnson). Now he is speaking in front of huge pictures of himself? Bad, bad call. I'm really surprised you like this idea. Nic is right, very Maoist.

Another question, why is he giving his kick-off speach to the Pierre Chamber of Commerce??? Did the Presho Rotary already have a speaker?
Anonymous said…
I wonder when we're going to start seeing statues starting to spring up across South Dakota in homage to the Mayor.

Humble Mike is gone.
Anonymous said…
Big visual displays generally are used to make up for a lack of substance. He pulled it out of the Bush speech background playbook. I find it demeaning that they assume their entire audience would be swayed by that over fact and substance.

They should have had one of the pictures be of him flying the state plane on a personal trip.
PP said…
Jeez.... I'm getting beat up because I just happened to like them as a visual.
Anonymous said…
nobody is picking on you pp, its just that the people of our state are finding out that the Governor is like the Wizard of Oz. Hiding behind posters instead of curtains
Anonymous said…
I guess he just can't get enough of his image in the mirror in the morning. All fluff, no substance.
Anonymous said…
Neat Picture? Hardly. The overly large posters of Rounds look similar to the scenes of the Adam Sutler character in the film "V for Vendetta." Remember, Remember, the 7th of November.....

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