I hadn't heard this one... Is a Republican changing her stripes?

UNCONFIRMED RUMOR: I had a note that former Republican legislator Rebecca Cradduck is switching parties and going to run against State Senator Gant as a Democrat. Has anyone else heard that one?

I certainly hope not. I'd prefer her in the GOP. I had met her some time ago, and she was an awfully nice person. I believe on occasion, she would do a little antiquing with my mom many years back.


Anonymous said…
I wouldn't be too surprised or disappointed. She's like Adelstein,conservative on fiscal matters, but very liberal on social issues.
Anonymous said…
she switched and is running as a Demo - must be comfortable there
Anonymous said…
Maybe she's tired of women being treated like second class citizens in this state.
Anonymous said…
amen brother!
Anonymous said…
If only women could be treated like second class citizens in this state. That would be an improvement, maybe someday they will have the ability to have control of their bodies too.
This abortion issue is a national joke and an indication of the Puritan, although arcane, legislative agenda.
Anonymous said…
Pat, thank you for your kind words. I did do some antiquing with your Mom, many years ago. The rumor is true, I have changed my party affiliation and I have taken out petitions to run for the Senate in District 11. The decision was challenging, but it is the right one for me. I tried to sign up as a blogger but the system did let me. So sending this under anonymous. Rebekah Cradduck
Anonymous said…
Rebekah, welcome to the party. I suspect we are going to see more converts in the near future.
Anonymous said…
Too bad the State and County Republican Party won't support moderate Republican candidates. Extrememism brings out the moderates, perhaps that's the emerging blessing here.
Anonymous said…
If it means changing parties to get women's rights in South Dakota brought into the 20th century then so be it. Evolve or perish.
Anonymous said…
If you are going to go that far then maybe we should move from "Kate for State" to "Looby for Gov."
Just get it over with.

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