First she's against it.
Then she's for it.
Now, she's against it again.

In his Argus Leader column, Dave Kranz pointed out yesterday that congresswoman Stephanie Herseth has had more than one opinion on Iraq. First, she was against direct action. Then, she was in support of it. Recently, she went with the Pelosi measure to try to stop a surge in troop numbers to hasten the end of the war.

What's a blue dog to do?:

During a debate with Janklow, Herseth said she supported congressional action to eliminate threats to national security. She spoke of Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi leader and long-time villain to the United States government.

"I agree wholeheartedly that we need a regime change in Iraq," she said at the time.

But an acceptable course of action would come only after exhausting diplomatic options.


As a new member of the Veterans Affairs Committee, one of her first moves on the job was making a trip to Iraq to meet South Dakota troops and talk with military leaders and citizens of the country.

The subject on her mind with local troops: "Visit about their needs and the resources needed to complete the mission."


Yet there is still a hawkish side of Herseth on the war. That was evident last June when she joined 41 House Democrats saying they supported completing the mission in order to "create a sovereign, free, secure and united Iraq."


When Herseth announced her decision last week to oppose troop increases, she spoke about her process in deciding. "After carefully reviewing the president's proposal to increase the number of U.S. troops in Iraq, hearing testimony from senior members of the military, and speaking with many South Dakotans who have served or who have loved ones who are serving in the war on terror, I remain unconvinced that sending additional troops to Iraq is the best way forward."
Read it all here.


Anonymous said…
Jeez, PP and the rest of you lackey's when is it OK for someone to support something and as it develops realize that it's not working, built on a foundation of lies and half-truths, administered by incompetents, killing american's needlessly at this point, leading nowhere but down a continuing slope to a civil war, hurting our military, hurting our global political influence, destablizing global energy prices, killing american's needlessly at this point (that should be said twice)...

Wait, she flip-floped? Why, how can she live with herself. We must vote her out!!!!!!! Your post is a joke and the argument against those (who inhabit both parties) who no longer support this folly is a testament to politicians playing to the mob hoping to incite the idiot in us all.
Anonymous said…
Herseth is a huge phony and hack. Progressives know that more than anyone. She only does what is in her interest.
Anonymous said…
She's a chicken dancing fence stradler.

She has no political or personal courage and as such will be deemed unsatisfactory by most South Dakotans when she runs for the Senate seat against Rounds.

We are at war and need politicans who have as much courage as the soldiers on the front lines.

Stephi, is micromanaging the mission in Iraq because she is more worried about political security than national security.

Gen Patreaus has said he needs reinforcements on the ground, commanders have said they need reinforcements and soldiers are saying they want reinforcements.

Why is Stephi denying our soldiers reinforcements when she previously said she would see to it that soldiers had everything they need to fight this war?
Anonymous said…
She's a chicken dancing fence stradler.

She has no political or personal courage and as such will be deemed unsatisfactory by most South Dakotans when she runs for the Senate seat against Rounds.

We are at war and need politicans who have as much courage as the soldiers on the front lines.

Stephi, is micromanaging the mission in Iraq because she is more worried about political security than national security.

Gen Patreaus has said he needs reinforcements on the ground, commanders have said they need reinforcements and soldiers are saying they want reinforcements.

Why is Stephi denying our soldiers reinforcements when she previously said she would see to it that soldiers had everything they need to fight this war?
Anonymous said…
I like how she is into "finishing the mission" and doing what's necessary to win but SHE WON'T SEND OUR TROOPS REINFORCEMENTS. But also doesn't want to pull out!!! so just leave them dangling--what leadership!
Anonymous said…
Stephanie, i.e. Little Hillary, has learned from the best about being a phony: Tom Daschle
Anonymous said…
wow, john thune posting as anon and stan. Drink the koolaid people. Just a few more dead americans, couple of hundred Iraq's a day.

When we "pull out" in a year saying we've done all we can in a worse or similar situation to today, who's hands are covered in the blood of those that die in this time of madness? Bush's? Herseth's?
Anonymous said…
From Drudge:

Tue Feb 20 2007 16:21:32 ET

In the wake of the U.S. House of Representatives passing a resolution that amounts to a vote of no confidence in the Bush administration's policies in Iraq, a new national survey by Alexandria, VA-based Public Opinion Strategies (POS) shows the American people may have some different ideas from their elected leaders on this issue.

The survey was conducted nationwide February 5-7 among a bi-partisan, cross-section of 800 registered voters. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percent. The survey was commissioned by The Moriah Group, a Chattanooga-based strategic communications and public affairs firm.

The survey shows Americans want to win in Iraq, and that they understand Iraq is the central point in the war against terrorism and they can support a U.S. strategy aimed at achieving victory, said Neil Newhouse, a partner in POS. The idea of pulling back from Iraq is not where the majority of Americans are.

By a 53 percent - 46 percent margin, respondents surveyed said that Democrats are going too far, too fast in pressing the President to withdraw troops from Iraq.

By identical 57 percent - 41 percent margins, voters agreed with these statements: I support finishing the job in Iraq, that is, keeping the troops there until the Iraqi government can maintain control and provide security and the Iraqi war is a key part of the global war on terrorism.

Also, by a 56 percent - 43 percent margin, voters agreed that even if they have concerns about his war policies, Americans should stand behind the President in Iraq because we are at war.

While the survey shows voters believe (60 percent- 34 percent) that Iraq will never become a stable democracy, they still disagree that victory in Iraq (creating a young, but stable democracy and reducing the threat of terrorism at home) is no longer possible. Fifty-three percent say it's still possible, while 43 percent disagree.

By a wide 74 percent - 25 percent margin, voters disagree with the notion that "I don't really care what happens in Iraq after the U.S. leaves, I just want the troops brought home."

When asked which statement best describes their position on the Iraq War, voters are evenly divided (50 percent - 49 percent) between positions of "doing whatever it takes to restore order until the Iraqis can govern and provide security to their country,Ó and positions that call for immediate withdrawal or a strict timetable.

27 percent said "the Iraq war is the front line in the battle against terrorism and our troops should stay there and do whatever it takes to restore order until the Iraqis can govern and provide security to their country."

23 percent said "while I don't agree that the U.S. should be in the war, our troops should stay there and do whatever it takes to restore order until the Iraqis can govern and provide security to their country."

32 percent said "whether Iraq is stable or not, the U.S. should set and hold to a strict timetable for withdrawing troops."

17 percent said "the U.S. should immediately withdraw its troops from Iraq."

The survey also found that voters thought it would hurt American prestige more to pull out of Iraq immediately (59 percent) than it would to stay there for the long term (35 percent). Public Opinion Strategies "scored the best win-loss record among the major polling and media firms in the 2004 election" and was named Pollster of the Year in 2002.


I guess Stephi's position will probably change again given this most recent polling data.
Anonymous said…
She's a surrender monkey sucking up to Pelosi and Murtha, the same guy who did a fundraiser for her before this most recent election.

It's too bad that America wants to win this thing yet Stephi won't give our troops the neccessary reinforcements to get the job done.

The top General and his commanders on the ground including the soldier wants reinforcements. Does Stephi know better than the commanders on the ground?

I'm sure her two year of clerking for a federal judge made her an expert on fighting and winning America's wars.

Well that's just like a liberal surrender monkey to micromanage a war into the ground in the interests of political opportunism.
Anonymous said…
She's a surrender monkey sucking up to Pelosi and Murtha, the same guy who did a fundraiser for her before this most recent election.

It's too bad that America wants to win this thing yet Stephi won't give our troops the neccessary reinforcements to get the job done.

The top General and his commanders on the ground including the soldier wants reinforcements. Does Stephi know better than the commanders on the ground?

I'm sure her two year of clerking for a federal judge made her an expert on fighting and winning America's wars.

Well that's just like a liberal surrender monkey to micromanage a war into the ground in the interests of political opportunism.
Anonymous said…
She's a surrender monkey sucking up to Pelosi and Murtha, the same guy who did a fundraiser for her before this most recent election.

It's too bad that America wants to win this thing yet Stephi won't give our troops the neccessary reinforcements to get the job done.

The top General and his commanders on the ground including the soldier wants reinforcements. Does Stephi know better than the commanders on the ground?

I'm sure her two year of clerking for a federal judge made her an expert on fighting and winning America's wars.

Well that's just like a liberal surrender monkey to micromanage a war into the ground in the interests of political opportunism.
Anonymous said…
"It's too bad that America wants to win this thing"

WHAT! Who the hell are you people and what the hell are you smoking. Win what? This isn't Patton marching on the Nazi's this is us in a civil war, standing there waiting to get shot. Win what you moron.

ps-I apologize for the language but the crazy talk is driving me nuts.
Anonymous said…
PP obviously beleives that the only way to solve the problems in Iraq is to send in an additional 20,000 additional troops to Iraq. In fact, according to PP, anyone who doesn't beleive that sending 20,000 additional troops to Iraq is opposed to any military action in Iraq whatsoever.

Additionally, anyone who supported the Iraq war resolution, but disagrees with sending an additional 20,000 troops to Iraq is, apparently, some sort of left wing peacenik opposed to any military action in Iraq.

So PP, please explain why the ONLY way to support the troops and support the war in Iraq is to support this specific call for 20,000 troops?
Anonymous said…

It's not just PP that believes the 20,000 extra troops are's the Commanding General of all forces in Iraq, Gen. Patreaus who thinks we need more troops.

Who the hell are you to argue with him?

Further, why do you keep denying the troops on the ground everything they need to stabilize Iraq?
Anonymous said…
"why do you keep denying the troops on the ground everything they need to stabilize Iraq?"

Do people pay attention before they spout this crap??? Stabilize? Stabilize?

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