Thune Endorses McCain

In several places, including the McCain related Iowa political blog "Straight Talk, Iowa Style," it's being mentioned that South Dakota Senator John Thune is endorsing John McCain for the presidency:

And while it is unlikely that two sitting Senators would be on the ticket, McCain refused to distance himself from that line of speculation. In fact, McCain mentioned Thune as a possible running mate. (While this is premature speculation, STIS thinks it is good bet that McCain will pick someone from the Midwest or Northeast, Pawlenty or Guiliani, etc...).

Thune's support for McCain is a huge "get." Thune, long considered a shining star in the GOP, became a dragon slayer after beating Tom Daschle in 2004. The only other Republican to beat a sitting United States Senate Majority Leader was Barry Goldwater. Thune, who as a Congressman, was quick to endorse George W. Bush for the Presidency in 1999. If memory serves us right Thune was the very first or one of the first five to endorse Bush. Thune's strategy of quickly endorsing Presidential nominees seems to have paid off during his career.

This endorsement is particularly important for several reasons:

First, according to WAPO, Thune, "extracted a promise from the Arizonan on judicial nominations. Thune said McCain told him he would appoint "guys like Roberts and Alito". That's a reference to Chief Justice John Roberts and Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, both of whom were nominated by President Bush and were popular selections among Christian conservatives.
Read it all here.


Anonymous said…
Chris Matthews put his finger on it last night on "Hardball" when he said, "It's not John McCain any more, it's John McBush." Now it's "John McThune."
Ate any of you seriously thinking of voting for these turkeys?
Anonymous said…
Chris Matthews put his finger on it last night on "Hardball" when he said, "It's not John McCain any more, it's John McBush." Now it's "John McThune."
Ate any of you seriously thinking of voting for these turkeys?
Anonymous said…
sounds like a great GOP Team for the post-Bush era
Anonymous said…
i love how the demo-libs constantly praised McCain when he was useful to them and now that he's a threat they are constantly trashing him...hypocrits
Anonymous said…
Thune made a good choice it seems to me
Anonymous said…
I'd consider voting for McCain ... if it meant he was going to take Thune with him to the White House and get him out of his seat as my representative in the Senate.
Anonymous said…
The thought that anyone would even consider Thune as VP material is either scary or laughable, depending upon how you look at it. One thing is certain, it would be a surefire way for McCain to shoot himself in the foot.
Anonymous said…
I wonder if McCain will continue to attack pork-barrel spending on the DM&E now that Thune jumped aboard the "All-Talk" Express.
Anonymous said…
Considering McCain is a liberal on abortion and social issues, I am quite disappointed. I would rather have him back Brownback, Paul, or others.
Anonymous said…
I love how McCain is selling himself to the highest Republican bidders. He's become just another Bush boot-licker and social conservative toady.

He has zero respect of anyone now.
Anonymous said…

he must have someone's respect in order to the GOP frontrunner along with Rudy.
Anonymous said…
Speak for yourself or use data when you generalize public opinion.
Anonymous said…
Thune is an empty suit.

He looks pretty and he's rehearsed a few canned lines to put together a decent Lincoln Day dinner speech but you get the impression he is serving in the Senate not to do anything, but rather simply to be a Senator.

He's no Bob Dole or Chuck Hagel thats for sure.
Anonymous said…
5:35 or 12:51:

didn't you do the same thing in your 12:51 post?
Anonymous said…
Thune is a great Senator! Who is his political advisor, fire the jerk. You don't come out in the primary.

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