Just a teaser on the Rapid City Mayoral race.

Here's a teaser to start off your evening on the Rapid City Mayoral race. From a whois search at Networksolutions.com (my internet registry of choice - the first and best)

WHOIS Record For

Mike Schumacher
3330 Palm Drive #5
Rapid City, South Dakota 57701
United States

Registered through: GoDaddy.com, Inc. (http://www.godaddy.com)
Created on: 02-Jul-06
Expires on: 03-Jul-08
Last Updated on: 02-Jul-06

Administrative Contact:
Schumacher, Mike nra_1@hotmail.com
3330 Palm Drive #5
Rapid City, South Dakota 57701
United States
(605) 716-4065

Technical Contact:
Schumacher, Mike nra_1@hotmail.com
3330 Palm Drive #5
Rapid City, South Dakota 57701
United States
(605) 716-4065

Domain servers in listed order:
With the act of registering this website in July of 2006, could this mean that Rapid City Common Council Alderman Mike Schumacher is behind an effort to run Alderman Sam Kooiker for Mayor of Rapid City this summer? Or was he? Or maybe he just registered the webspace.

There's much more to come in this story. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said…
How Ironic,,I have it on Good authority that Mike Schumacher is now going to run the Shaw campaign.

"I've always said that in politics, your enemies can't hurt you, but your friends will kill you."-Ann Richards-
Anonymous said…
anon: I don't believe it. They are a good team.
Anonymous said…
Schumacher sold out, he is just a "good ole' boy" now. He has joined the same establishment he opposed for 2 years.
Anonymous said…
Schumacher is playing both ends against the middle. Sam should quit talking to him, now, because Schumacher has fallen into the Shaw camp. Go SAM!!!
Anonymous said…
If this is really true, it's one of the biggest stories ever in SD politics. I have to see the evidence to believe it.
Anonymous said…
The word on the street is that Schumacher sold out by accepting $35,000 from Doug Hamilton to run Shaws campaign.

So Hamilton is buying off Shaws critics, and Schumacher sold his soul for money.

I think that Rapid City politics has hit an all time low.
Anonymous said…
10:02, well I wouldn't go that far to call it a huge story (unless you were kidding) but nonetheless, where is the RCJ on this story???? Or at least Mt Blogmore??? My guess is that they hang out with Dems and don't know what's going on in GOP circles.
Anonymous said…
I don't think Schumacher sold his soul for money. Word has it that even some people, who like Sam personally, wish he would wait two years and spend the time immersing himself in ALL of the issues, not just those that he uses to score points. I spoke with Mike and he says he has told Sam why he isn't going to run his campaign, so let's not make this look so cloak and dagger.
Anonymous said…
This is cloak and dagger, dagger in the back.

What are the issues that Sam needs 2 years to brush up on, exactly, anon 7:52pm ?

Better yet, list the issues where the current council and Mayor are spot on target.

Schumacher has helped Sam Kooiker plan his run for Mayor for over a year, supposedly, believing all the time, that Sam was not ready. I guess it is reasonable to assume that the lure of tens of thousands of dollars has nothing to do with Schumachers turn around,,hahaha

again, anon 7:52, the specific issues please......
Anonymous said…
"Schumacher has helped Sam Kooiker plan his run for Mayor for over a year..." That's a statement that needs some oversight. First, Kooiker has not been looking at running for Mayor for over a year. This has come up in the last 8 months. Second, Kooiker has been so busy preparing to run for Mayor that he hasn't accomplished anything. You can see by his actions on the Council, he works for politics and politics alone. Solutions aren't what he is after.
Anonymous said…
Are you saying that Schumacher registered the domain name 8 months ago, and there was no prior discussion or planning to run for mayor ? mmmmmm I know better.

Rick Kriebel
Anonymous said…
Schumacher's in it for the money and the money alone. He will be so busy running the Mayors campaign and his own re-election he wont accomplish anything for the taxpayers.
Anonymous said…
Anon 11:34
What do you mean when you say that Sam is solely after politics? Back up your claim.
Anonymous said…
This isn't about whether or not Schumacher is turning his back on his friend Kookier. He has.

It's about Schumacher willingness to run Shaw's campaign for 35k, someone who he has hated and trashed on for the last two years.

Anonymous said…
How disgusting. What a betrayal. Was it 35k or 30 pieces of silver? Next we'll be hearing Schumacher has joined the chamber of commerce.
Anonymous said…
Schmacher sold out.

Time to kick him out.
Anonymous said…
The real issue isn't Mike Schumacher. The real issue is that Jim Shaw is willing to do anything to get re-elected.
Anonymous said…
It's time to kick out Jim Shaw.
Anonymous said…
Jim Shaw is going to need a lot more than money and a good campaign manager to overcome his troubles--Iowa state fair, civic center, etc.

He knows he is in big trouble.
Anonymous said…
If Shaw had the Class he wants everyone to think he has, he would put a stop to this Betrayal, wash his hands of it and move on without Schumacher. It is a huge mistake for him to let his financial backer do something like this. He already has an uphill battle. He does not need the stigma of more dirty politics to deal with. He told the Rapid city weekly that (paraphrasin) he never runs against his opponent, he runs for the office. This makes it look like Sam Kooiker was a such a threat that, he has to "steal" Sam's campaign manager by using "30 pieces of silver"

Anonymous said…
Schumacher has proven himself once again. This guy has no loyalty to his party, no morals, no friends and is driven by greed. I just can't believe anyone would hire him. He was driven out as executive director of the Pennington County Republican Party. Not only is this guy a loser, but he is the worst kind of "friend" you could possibly have.

Mike, you disgust me!
Anonymous said…
I can't say that I know Mayor Shaw well but he was responsive when my neighbors and I raised a concern about an issue in our neighborhood. What is it that he has done that makes you folks so mad? I have met Mr. Kooiker and I am impressed with him too. I did not know he was planning to run for mayor until I read it here. I do not know Mr. Schumacher at all.
Anonymous said…
Shaw should be very careful. This guy is so treacherous that his association with Shaw could be designed to get him insider information for Kookier's campaign. Anyone who has no loyalty to his friends, certainly cannot be trusted by his enemies.
Anonymous said…
Mike "Benedict Arnold" Schumacher!
Anonymous said…
Attacking Mike Schumacher isn't the answer. The real issue is Jim Shaw plays a good game, but he is willing to engage in the worst tactics in order to win.
Anonymous said…
anon 7:13

I guess that makes Shaw and Schumacher a good team !
Anonymous said…
Mike could be a HUGE issue. He's deceitful, disloyal and a disgrace to the city of rapid city. Is he the face you want to put on anything? He'll switch sides for personal money. Now, does that not create a conflict of interest when he is voting on issues the Mayor has staked out a position on when Mike is taking money from him? This is a disgusting situtation for rapid city. I guess you can't put lipstick on a pig--Mike is a HUGE issue.
Anonymous said…
Anon 8:31

Making a snide reference to Mike's weight was unnecessary. Please stick to the facts without attacking him personally.
Brenda34 said…
This isn't about Mayor, but I think we should focus on the good things people have done for our city. So let's just remember the good things people have done not the negative. I don't think we need to develop a bad bloggs on what people are not doing. Lets keep it positive. We all could say bad things about the people but that isn't very nice. So just do what you want people to do to you. IF you want people saying negative about you say negative things about them. If you want positive things said about you say postive. Thank you very much.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 8:31 AM does have a valid point: there appears to be a glaring conflict in interest here. How can a 'voice for his constituents' be an independent voice when his '35K' job mandates he support the mayor 100%? Ethically, this is wrong. Can anything be done legally about this? Why hasn't this information come out, at least in the editorials?
Anonymous said…
I think the thought behind the conflict of interest is interesting, but I don't know that there is anything to it. I don't believe the Mayor has a vote, unless there is a tie on the Council. In that case, the Mayor would be voting following the Council. Also, there needs to be a vested interest to create the conflict. In this case, the vested interest is in the election, not the legislation.
Anonymous said…
There is a conflict of interest. Schumacher is taking 35 thousand dollars from the mayor. The mayor has a position on a vote. Schumacher has pressure to vote with the mayor as he is taking a check for working on his campaign. Schumacher has a vested interest in making sure the mayor's agenda is successful on the council. It could not be more simple.

The taxpayers should demand Schumacher's resignation. If he doesn't give it, they should sue the city if they disagree with a decision. It may very well make the decision void. The City of Winner found recently found out about conflicts of interest from the South Dakota Supreme Court.

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