KCCR: Jarrod Johnson updates S&L Website

From KCCR Radio News:
The Office of School and Public Lands, under new commissioner Jarrod Johnson, has launched (a) new website. Johnson says the website will include information on the office, details on upcoming land auctions, guidelines for hunting on public land and other details.
Read it all here and go visit Jarrod's new website at: www.sdpubliclands.com


Anonymous said…
Jarrod needs to turn that smile down a few notches. It's borderline creepy.
Anonymous said…
I know that he is elected and official and all... but, he looks really odd in the suit with the little 'pocket scarf' and all. How about just a cowboy hat and green plaid shirt, like he wore in every campaign picture?
Anonymous said…
The site shows one thing - that he doesn't know anything about the office he's in.

But all the women on his staff sure do look nice.
Anonymous said…
johnnie w. said…
Is this a State of South Dakota website or Johnson's website?

This is fishy because of the dot com.
Anonymous said…
If you're not comfortable with the dot com, use this link

Anonymous said…
Jennifer's biography didn't mention "skirting election law in order to advance my position in the party. Just glad I didn't actually have to answer for my reprehensible behavior."
Anonymous said…
Jarrod needs to proofread his bio.

He has a list of the lease auctions around the state but where is the list of the properties to be leased at each auction? That is a much more important piece of information than a list of the hobbies of some of the various young women in his office.
Anonymous said…
I think the site looks great and Jarrod shouldn't feel at all bad about wearing a pocket scarf, cufflinks or whatever. He's the man, so all you haters might as well sit back and watch him work!
Anonymous said…
Sit back and watch him work? That's the most, or one of the 3 most antiquated offices our government has. 7 people require an office manager and a communications director? If the Pierre canal deal wasn't coming down the pipe we wouldn't hear anything about this office again until the next election except for what self-promotion they could get in the papers. And what PP posts here.
Anonymous said…
Site looks great. Johnson has already worked more hours than Healy did in four years, a lot of it just cleaning up Healy's mess.

And it's a first-class quality staff they've put together in that office.
Anonymous said…
Yes it does seem just like yesterday
Anonymous said…
If it's a "first class quality staff", then why weren't all of the spelling and grammatical errors discovered on the website before it went live? I don't claim to be a communications expert, but even I am left wondering where exactly "from to Minnehaha counties" is, and which university is "South Dakota University"? If I read the employee bios correctly, there are not one, but two communications majors on that staff, and neither one picked up on that?
Anonymous said…
16 years of a mess to fix in 2 months. Yeah, the Dems must still be pretty sore over losing their golden boy to a farm boy.
PP said…
guys, if you're noticing the kelo deletion, news snippets only, with a link back to the source.

No whole articles. Plus, you need to add editorial content.

(Fair Use guidelines and all).
Anonymous said…
Anon 10:50 please elaborate on your claim that that there has been 12 years of Democratic mismanagement in that office. Until you can give specifics you're just a GOP hack with no facts to back your arguments.

Anon 9:22 I caught those errors also. Let's see how long before they catch and correct them.

Now I'll repeat my complaint on the biggest problem with this site. Where is the list of properties to be auctioned for lease this spring? The list of auction times and locations is there and that's good. But, as a rancher and potential bidder I want to know the legal descriptions of each and every property to be leased. Until that info is posted in its entirety this site is crap, all pretty pictures and goofy staff bios but damn little of the information that a potential bidder needs.
Anonymous said…
The site is easy to navigate, but it lacks professionalism.

I was almost embarassed for the employee with their bios. Instead of being informational,they come of sounding like part of a cover letter for a resume. They should have had the communication manager put them into a more professional format.

However, after reading the CM's bio (I did this, I did that I, I, I) it is somewhat easy to understand why this site lacks professionalism.
Anonymous said…
As much as I like Jarrod I have to agree about the amateurish website. It needs more pertinent info and it does need to be cleaned up gramatically and stylistcally.

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