Mitchell Daily Republic: 2010 Gov Candidates are on deck.

This story kind of snuck in while we were all looking the other way. Not one, but two 2010 gubernatorial hopefuls have confirmed that they're at least looking at running for Governor on the Republican ticket. Seth Tupper at the Mitchell Daily Republic has scooped us all:
Among the potential South Dakota gubernatorial hopefuls, at least two have already registered their campaign domain names. Both are Republicans: Lt. Gov. Dennis Daugaard of Garretson, who has registered and, and state Sen. Dave Knudson of Sioux Falls, who has registered

Daugaard confirmed that he is planning to run for governor, but Knudson said he is merely considering it. Both said the real reason they registered their domain names so early was because their children urged them to.

The Daugaard site was registered by the advertising and marketing firm Lawrence & Schiller, which employs Daugaard’s daughter and also registered domain names in 2005 for Republican Gov. Mike Rounds’ re-election effort.

Knudson’s son, who works for Microsoft, used an online service to register a domain name.

“Quite frankly, it would have never crossed my mind,” Knudson admitted.
Read the big story here. Oooo. So, not only has Lt. Governor Daugaard, who already has Governor Rounds' endorsement confirmed he's running for Governor in 3 years, but it would seem as if he's got Lawrence and Schiller on the line for consulting.

For any potential internet cybersquatters, what are the alternative domain names for the candidates that we should be watching to be registered for Daugaard and Knudson?


Anonymous said…
For Daugaard: works. I'm sure Knudson could pick from one of several:, sd, or
Anonymous said…
For Daugaard -

Or he could use - you've got to have some way to pay back that early endorsement.
Anonymous said…
I guess Klaudt already took:
Anonymous said…
Off topic BUTT, i hve to comment.
After reading the article i see Abrahamson has been reading this blog if i remember correctly.
Didn't someone say "Abrahanson couldn't get elected dog catcher" somewhere on here?
Anonymous said…
There are lots of examples of political candidates having their domain names "squatted" on by opponents. I think anyone who is evenconsidering a candidacy is smart to register domain names as a precaution. The 2010 race is here - I hear Lee's already had a fundraiser.
Anonymous said…
Why is it bad to be supported by a governor with 70% approval who was overwhelmingly reelected last year?
Anonymous said…
Go Lee Schoenbeck, he is by far the best canidate for governor.
Anonymous said…
Well, I've covered Lee.

I've registered the following domains:

And, because I know Stan A. will be a big financial backer of our man schoenbeck...

Oh, wait. That might not work.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anon 10:36

I think the guy who's got the job thinks he is Harry Potter.
Anonymous said…
We need a governor with political klaudt.
Anonymous said…
I think we can assume the real Dave Knudson would not make such a tasteless joke.
Anonymous said…
Scooped PP maybe. The rest of us saw those two names in the hunt long ago.
Anonymous said…
Why would we assume that?
Anonymous said…
PP isn't in the "media", how can he get scooped? Because he's 3rd in the gossip line?
PP said…
I've heard about them for quite a while. To me the scoop is getting a firm confirmation that Dennis is running.
Anonymous said…
Dave Knudson sort of looks like Klaudt, though.
Anonymous said…
The article says "Daugaard confirms that he is planning to run for governor..."

Is that really the same as confirming that he is running? I took it to mean that he planning a possible campaign.

I can see how it can be read either way, but I'm not sure it is as big a deal as PP is saying.
Haggs said…
Anon 10:12 AM - ""

If we could get Stan Lee, the creator of Spider-Man, to run for governor, I would SO vote for him!
PP said…
By the way, if the person who is posting comments bordering on the obscene isn't aware, it's not that difficult to track you by your IP address.
Anonymous said…
Haggs -

So here is the real question. If the 2010 candidates were superheros, which superheros would they be?
Anonymous said…
Dave Knudson as Green Arrow (A rich bleeding heart ultra-liberal)

Dennis Daugaard as Rick Jones (the eternal sidekick)

Matt Michels as Night Nurse (who the hell is going to take him seriously as a hero, or a candidate)

Lee Schoenbeck as Captain America (Holding timeless values that seem to have been forgotten by too many people)
Anonymous said…
10:30 PM - I think we can all guess your secret identity.
Anonymous said…
"if the person who is posting comments bordering on the obscene isn't aware, it's not that difficult to track you by your IP address."

There's nothing illegal about posting obscene comments on a blog.
Anonymous said…
10:52 - There's also nothing illegal about PP erasing obscene messages. In fact, he can erase any message he wants - it is his blog.
Anonymous said…
10:52, I believe you can be held liable for slander.
Anonymous said…
what a posting...

sorry PP
Anonymous said…
Now, PP, that's not nice - threatening to "out" people who made ill comments on your site.

Just delete the comments. I mean, I see one of two things happening.

One - either the anon commenters stop commenting, which would kill like 90 percent of your comments.

Or - people keep commenting, but go through a proxy. And, if they start doing that, that means that they disable all your pictures and the cute little ads that you sell on here.

Is that what you want?

Sheesh. Power(s) trip.
Haggs said…
10:19 - "If the 2010 candidates were superheros, which superheros would they be?"

That's a really fun idea. So everyone should prepare to run in terror as I unleash my inner geek.

Dave Knudson - Easy, he's Wolverine. He can use his claws to cut through the crap and get to what needs to be done. And "he's the best there is at what he does."

Dennis Daugaard - Aside from being Rounds' Lt. Governor, I really don't know anything about him. 10:30 is on the right track with side kicks, but Rick Jones is far too well-known. We need someone that when you hear his name you go "Wait... who?" That's why I think it should be Wingman. He's a kid Batman trained in the 50's as a partner (and it's a sore spot with Robin, so don't ask). I think he was only used a couple times and then forgotten. It's not a perfect fit, but I like it.

And I'll throw in Joel Dykstra too because everyone in Canton knows he'd give anything to be governor.

Joel Dykstra - I'm thinking an obscure superhero that no one cares about. Metamorpho? Darkhawk? Space Cabbie? Hmmm... there was a character named Maggot on the X-Men for a little bit (heh, just kidding about that one). Oh, I've got it! Booster Gold. He's perfect. Booster is a failed sports player in the 25th century who decides to travel back in time with knownledge of the past (our future) to try to make a name for himself. He's pretty much a sell-out who is always looking out for himself and would probably sell his mother if it could make him a quick buck. Yep, that's Dykstra.
Anonymous said…
Actually, if the comments are about a public figure, you can basically, in jest, say or write anything you want - as long as a "reasonable person" would be able to discern that your comments were in jest, not labeled as truth, or malicious.

So, if I want to say the Lee Schoenbeck is a rich, elitist conservative who shoves pickles up [comment edited].


And, if I wanted to say that Dave Knudson looks like the physical cross between quasimoto and Dave Hasselhof, I can. Because quasimoto isn't real.

I mean... for public figures - or for citizens who operate public forums for profit - it's REALLY REALLY hard to prove libel or slander.

But, I'm sure Tom Deadrick would represent you. He feels your pain.
Anonymous said…
Hey Haggs,
Pretty harsh stuff for Dykstraman. Why don't you two just kiss and make up. He can't be that bad of a guy.

-not Dykstra
PP said…
12:07 - posting fictitiously as one person and saying they held someone down while another person was raped is so far over the line, I really don't care if my comments drop off they're outed. They deserve to be identified.
Anonymous said…
PP -

Right you are. No comments of that nature should survive. I didn't read that one, though, so good job of getting to it.

Have you ever thought of moderating comments, rather than just letting it be a free-for-all - you know, you have to approve them before they go up.

I suppose with some stories getting 80+ comments, it would be a bear, and the Blogger system might not even allow it.
Anonymous said…
I wonder if Bob Newland will run for governor?
Anonymous said…
I would like to see a Matt Michels/Eric Bogue ticket.
Anonymous said…
Matt and Eric that would be interesting...
Ponder the thought for awhile.
Anonymous said…
So who's the best and who's the brightest. Bogue better shoot for best b/c he's certainly not the brightest.
Anonymous said…
It's still three years away!!
Give it a break. Chances are the next Governor's name hasn't even surfaced yet.
Anonymous said…
That photo of Knudson in War College's rolling header looks alot like the Pillsbury doughboy. Separated at birth?


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