New chat in the federal contests

I'm hearing today that Joel Dykstra is pretty firm on taking on that Senate Race as opposed to the House contest. Between he and Sam Kephart, there may actually be a primary before the challenger takes on Tim Johnson or Stephanie Herseth (depending on who you talk to).

I also hear that Pat Costello's name continues to be bandied about, and my sources are correct that former SDGOP Executive Director Georgia Hanson will play a role in that race. Among her most recent contests include Costello's city commission race, as well as Sioux Falls Resident Dale Zimmer's unsuccessful race for the Sioux Falls School Board.

Larry Russell continues to be supported by a bunch of people in that race as well. While Pat's hanging out in Sioux Falls, Larry was at a Spearfish County Republican event this past weekend, and very noticeable by his presence, since it was across the state from his home. No word on what Jim Seward is thinking of doing, although it's expected that the Senate race is still the one that he wants. The improptu poll I ran would seem to bear out that people see him much more as a Senator than a congressman.

No more word on Dave Knudson or other challengers at the moment. But stay tuned.

My Republican of choice in the US Senate Race:
Jim Seward
Joel Dykstra
Sam Kephart free polls
And as far as the House Race Goes....

My Republican of choice in the US House Race:
Pat Costello
Larry Russell free polls


Anonymous said…
If this is the best you have to offer...

Ya'll are doomed.
Haggs said…
Dykstra thinks he can take on Johnson? Hahahahaha! That's a good one.
Anonymous said…
What's with the dorky photo of Knudson at the top of this site? It is such a fakey picture. I don't think I've ever seen the guy smile.
Anonymous said…
Go Larry Russell
Anonymous said…
I have one question, are all the negative comments coming from the Democrats? I think they are busy doing opposition research because they are scared.
Anonymous said…
Both parties do opposition reasearch, not because they are scared but because they want to run as strong a campaign as possible.

Part of the campaign is defining yourself, and part is defining your opponent.

The campaign that does not do opposition research is waging the battle with one hand tied behind its back. Campaign 101.
Anonymous said…
Georgia Hanson was an adviser on the Katy Dressen state house campaign that ran a strong last place in district 9.
Anonymous said…
Go get'em Larry!!!
Anonymous said…
How can Tom Dempster stand Joel Dykstra jumping ahead of him in line for higher office?

I think Dykstra is a stalking horse for his friend Tom Dempster. Expect a Dempster candidacy.

You heard it here first.
Anonymous said…
Georgia's a fool, but I really like Katy Dressen. Georgia ends up picking up these consulting contracts because she is the only one on the market. She has a monopoly. She is not hired on merit. Her losses seem to far out weigh her victories. For crying out loud, she was fired by John Thune and Dave Munson.
Haggs said…
2:27 - I'm not a Democrat. My negative comments about Dykstra are because I think he's doing a bad job of representing my district in Pierre. And I also think that he would be a horrible representative if he gets elected to Congress (God forbid).

And I will admit that part of my opinion comes from thinking Tim Johnson is doing a good job as our Senator. But mostly I think Dykstra would be bad at the job.
Anonymous said…
I've said this before, and I will again - lets let Mike Rounds, Joel Dykstra and any other failed leader go to Congress. Let their vote be marginalized. Who cares.

We need the strong leaders - the guys like Knudson and the gals like Herseth - we need those people to stay right here and impact the daily lives of South Dakotans.

A couple of decades of dictatorship, we need someone with reason in the Capitol.

So let Dykstra go. Who cares. If he wins, he wins. If he loses, he's out of our lives.

Then the Rhoden/Dkytra blockade is out in the House, and maybe someone with a cooler head can clean that place up.
Anonymous said…
There ought to be a "none of the above" choice in both polls...
Anonymous said…
Georgia Hanson = sure loss
Katy Dresson lost by 32 votes to a former and current office holder.
Katy Dresson will probably run again and she is actually a great candidate....I think if she did it again she would not have had Georgia on her team.
Katy will be a main player in a couple of years....and not this is not Katy Dresson
Anonymous said…
Russell ought to run for state senate - Apa's out next year.

Seward ought to run for state house - Rhoden's out next year.
Anonymous said…
32 votes, 3:34? You are wrong. Even so, Katy will probably run again and do well.
Anonymous said…
3:35 - wrong Russell. Larry is in Sioux Falls. But unlike Costello, he has massive support out west. Massive.

Now I'm told the elder Russell, Lance, who is in the district has noticed there might be seats opening in the District.

Be afraid libs. Be very afraid.
Anonymous said…
So PP was wrong saying that Larry Russell attended an event in Spearfish across from his home? Or does he have a home in Spearfish and another in Sioux Falls?
PP said…
Larry attended an event that was across the state from his home in Sioux Falls.
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry Haggs but Dykstra has been doing a great job of representing District 16. I have had the occasion to visit numerous times during session and have seen him work for us on many issues. I visited with two different political groups this last February and each time Dykstra went out of his way to organize events that had House and Senate leadership attend for us to meet and discuss issues. He worked to get language cut out of bills that saved residents, like you and me, tax money. I have showed up to the Capitol as early as 6 a.m to find Dykstra there working hard.

I think you should check Dykstra's voting record and committee attendance before you post such negative comments.
Anonymous said…
pp, another stupid, unrelated, long spam comment to delete at 4:15. Can't you block the spam?
Anonymous said…
4:02, so you like when Dykstra voted against a minimum wage increase, against an ethics code for the legislature, for abstinence-only sex education in schools, for 10 year olds to hunt with high-powered rifles without any firearms training, and to permit state government to give taxpayer funds as grants (instead of loans) to politically connected businesses?

Dykstra is yet another extremist.
Anonymous said…
Russell does not have massive support West River.

Quick history lesson:

Pennington County GOP refused to back Russel for Congress in '04 essentially nailing the coffin lid down tight on his bid to fill Janklow's then vacated seat.
Anonymous said…
As far as I can tell, most of the people who post on this blog are drunk out of their minds.
Anonymous said…
Or high on something else...

7:09 is probably Bob Newland.
Anonymous said…
Not that the spamers care BUT. You are to stay on topic.

These postings I would say are NOT welcome please go elswhere or wait for some posting to come up on you topic!
Anonymous said…
Hi, I'm a republican. Other than Costello, who I know very little about, there isn't a person on PPs list I'd vote for. Great. Are we trying to give Stephi 70% so she can go after Thune w/wind in her sails????

Dystra-run, you have no hope and will nothing but amuse Republican and Democrats.

Larry Russell- you look better than Lance but are less capable and less trustworthy...and that is saying something.
Anonymous said…
Someone is trying to goat you into getting rid of the anonymous posting with this spam. Don't fall for it PP! It's the best part of your blog.
Just browsing the net, very interesting.
Haggs said…
4:02 - The Dykstra you know and the Dykstra I know are a lot different. I have no doubt that he treated your groups nicely when you went to Pierre. On the surface he's very nice. But if your group wanted something that didn't fit into his agenda, he'd ignore you when you left.

At the legislative coffee houses he was at this year, many people kept telling him that schools can't use one-time money (or money that would end in a few years, like he was pushing). School administrators, school board members, parents, everyone was telling him that he should support increasing ongoing money. So what does he do? He helps shut down an ongoing funding increase in favor of one-time money. That ongoing increase was supported by both Democrats and Republicans, but he stubbornly refused to compromise even a little bit.

Over and over again, he placed his needs and his party's needs before the needs of the people. And I have no doubt that he would do the same in Congress.

Plus, who would vote for a guy who thinks rape and incest are just "buzzwords?"
Anonymous said…
I see Dykstra was posting at 4:02.

Maka Duta Russell is similar to Dykstra in that they both just have to run for something. At least Dykstra isn't quite as slimy as Larry. I've never seen anyone as arrogant as Larry Russell either.
Anonymous said…
It's interesting to note that Both of Penninngton county's leadership during the special election are now claimant's of Thune's largess. Qsai got a job with Thune and Jackley became US Attorney because Thune forwarded his nomination to the White House.

I wonder if Thune really supports Larry?

I wonder if the Thune folks were behind supporting Barb Everist during the special?
Publisher said…
I consider myself kind of a political junkie, yet I've never heard of any of these people. Of course they've got a whole 18 months, give or take, to change that. OH BOY!
Anonymous said…
10:35 since i can't speak for Thune and I won't. I feel say to say that Joel R was behind the Barb push. Until they looked at some of her votes.
Anonymous said…
I don't see how people can trust Larry Russell.
He is fake and phony.

I mean he doesn't even try to hide it.
Anonymous said…
Maka Duta Russell for Congress!
Anonymous said…
More unfounded sniping at Russell. The Dems are scared of him, as they should be. If they aren't, their chances of losing are much greater.

Russell has rare qualities similar to that of Stephanie. Underestimating either of them is a big mistake.
Anonymous said…
What are those qualities? Relatively young, check. Reasonably attractive, check...that's it.

One is a slime ball, one is not. One you can trust, one you can not. One Married a 58 yr. from Texas with 4 kids, one did not. One was implicated in a voter fraud investigation, one was not. One won't stop chewing gum, one will not. One believes women should stay in the home, one does not.
Anonymous said…
Is Larry Russell the Chief Wiggum look-a-like?
Anonymous said…
8:22 "implicated".... Is that not a handy word to smear someone without evidence?
Anonymous said…
Larry would make a good candidate and a great congressman. That is exactly why the liberals who visit this conservative page are so scared!

It will be fun to watch the liberals name call, belittle and eventually whine like little girls. That is exactly what is going to happen.

The message, integrity and ability will burst thru all of the liberal rhetoric. Forge ahead Larry! Don't back down, water down or let down one inch. Don't compromise your principles to appease the unappeaseable. Make the liberals in both parties squeel like pigs!

Boy, it is going to be fun!!!
Anonymous said…
I agree Georgia is a complete HACK!! She IS the only game in town and that fact alone has kept her afloat. She thinks she knows everything, but make no mistake...she will SCREW-OVER anyone at anytime, if it suits her purpose. I have known people who were once her good friends that became her most bitter enemies. I've personally seen both of her "faces." As for Katy Dressen, she is one CLASS ACT. I'm sorry that her introduction in the game was sullied by that snake and I believe further tainted by a certain female republican that she has recently befriended and is hanging out with on a regular basis. Take my word for it, that woman is not to be trusted either. I would follow and support Katy anywhere she wished to go.
Anonymous said…
We all know Larry Russell would have defeated Herseth in the special election leading up to '04. Go Larry Russell!!!

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