Roll Call: While Johnson Raises Money, the field starts to form

While Senator Tim Johnson recuperates and raises money, the GOP Field for this fall is starting to flesh out. Roll Call has a big (and judging by my e-mail box), and popular story today on who's who and what they're running for:
Rounds, who was just re-elected in November, is a prime example of how Johnson has forced Republicans to put their political plans on hold. Sources said the governor is not inclined to run for Senate but is particularly less likely to do so if Johnson stands for re-election.

State Rep. Joel Dykstra’s (R) situation is similar. He recently attended the candidate-training school for prospective House candidates that the National Republican Congressional Committee held in Washington, D.C. But Dykstra said in an interview that he is more interested in running for Senate, although he is waiting to see which Democrat he would be running against before deciding on whether to run at all — and for which seat.

“I’m exploring my options for 2008, and in particular should I run for House or Senate,” Dykstra said.

Former Thune campaign aide Larry Russell is another Republican talked up as a potentially formidable House candidate who is waiting for the Democratic playing field to solidify before making a decision.

Russell finished a close second to then-state Sen. Larry Diedrich (R) in the South Dakota GOP’s 2004 convention to select a nominee to run in a special election to replace former Rep. Bill Janklow (R), who resigned in 2003 after being convicted of vehicular manslaughter.

“If Johnson is unable to run and Herseth Sandlin decides to run for Senate and there becomes an open House seat, I suppose I would probably take a look at it,” Russell said. “I’m getting a lot of encouragement from around the state.”


In addition to Rounds, potential top-tier GOP Senate candidates include Lt. Gov. Dennis Daugaard; Kelby Krabbenhoft, a possible self-funder who is president and CEO of Sioux Valley Hospitals & Health System; and state Senate Majority Leader Dave Knudson. In an interview, Knudson said he also is exploring a gubernatorial run in 2010.

“To some extent you could run for both [Senator and governor], depending on the outcome of the first race,” Knudson said. “I probably fall into the ‘thinking about it’ category in terms of the Senate race.”

Though Democrats and Republicans who follow South Dakota politics are nearly unanimous in their belief that Herseth Sandlin will run for Senate if Johnson retires, her office declined to discuss the possibility. A spokesman for the Congresswoman would say only that she expects Johnson to run for re-election and looks forward to supporting him.
Read it all here at Lots of maybes at the moment (Dykstra, Russell, Knudson), and 1 yes (Sam Kephart). Actually looks like we might have a race next fall, huh?


Anonymous said…
Look at all these REPUBLICANS run SCARED from Herseth. SCARED SCARED SCARED.
Anonymous said…
where can i sign a petition to get any of these guys to run? how about Deb Peters or Shantel Krebs? it's like the days of what's his name and what's his name that ran against Thune.

can Dave Knudson win a republican primary?
Anonymous said…
Dykstra for Senate!
Anonymous said…
Come clean, PP, you are already talking w/Dystrka about working for him if he runs. You must be the only guy (other than Joel himself) pushing this run. Can't for the life of me figure out why unless you are involved somehow.

Two words when Joel takes on Herseth: Char Harr.
Anonymous said…
Dykstra is a viable candidate, as much so as Herseth was when she first ran. She no longer lived in SD, worked in DC and had her family name. Dykstra actually lives in SD, has outstanding private sector credentials along with demonstrated leadership skills. Name recognition is a matter of money. What strikes me as a good sign is the fact that the GOP has a great stable of potential candidates.
Anonymous said…
A great stable of Cowards who don't want to lose.

They put people like Whalen up against Herseth, which is probably why they are considering Joel Dykstra is a serious candidate - its someone they can throw to the wolves.

Listen, Dykstra is tall and can regurgitate talking points, but he doesn't have an original thought in his head.
Anonymous said…
Dykstra is Char Harr, Dale Bell & Bart Kull all rolled into one.

Russell is Bob Ney, Duke Cunningham & Mark Foley all rolled into one.

Neither one of these guys can beat either one of the incumbents and they know it. Neither one of these guys can win a primary, but they're not smart enough to know that.
PP said…
4:13 - really? My wife would like to know about that one. At least let me know how much I'm making.
Anonymous said…
Good solid answers from all of them. I might run...I might not. This is what gets the party into trouble all the time. Candidates wait to commit. By the time the candidate does commit it is too late. Would somebody please commit to running. At least then the Republicans have a chance. If not, we are dead in the water come 2008.
Anonymous said…
Looks like the Dems are going to sweep in '08.
Anonymous said…
I think it's time the republicans laid it on the line with Johnson.

Most everyone knows that he's not going to be healthy enough to run in '08. Certainly not healthy enough to win.

BUT -- He and the dems are holding everyone hostage, cause it's not PC to say you're running against the sick guy. Not SD nice!

He's just holding the spot for Stephy so the potential republican candidates don't get a chance to build their name recognition.

However, he's gonna blow it if he waits too long. If he announces he's not running now, Stephy will get Dykstra, Russell, et al...

But, if he waits too long, the SD GOP knows that Rounds is the only one with enough name recognition to beat Stephy. They talk Rounds into doing it, and bingo - Stephy loses, and Dykstra ends up with the House seat.

Keep holding us hostage with the sick guy that no one dares speak badly about, and you'll end up with no winners in '08.
Anonymous said…
Dykstra? Who's that?
Anonymous said…
He played for the Mets and the Phillies back in the 90's.
Anonymous said…
I don't see anyone running scared of Me Too Herseth. They might be leery of running against Johnson, but that's legit.

Herseth is very beatable, especially since she's seldom in the state anymore and her lib leanings are much more obvious.

Way to score that Global Warming seat, Stephanie! That's so valuable to SD. What's next, the Find Loch Ness Monster Subcommittee!
Anonymous said…
"In other words, I want government to get over itself. It's not the "end all-be all." It's not there to perpetuate and expand itself. It's purpose is to serve the people, not offer dictation and demand that we stand with open ear and pen in hand."

Yer lyin'.
Anonymous said…
who is Char Harr???
Anonymous said…
Char Harr is a very stupid woman who ran for US Senate in 1992.
Anonymous said…
Fellow Dems. Clearly PP's blog has jumped the shark, even among his most loyal following.

I don't know about you, but, I'm outta here.
PP said…
Joe, don't be an ass.

Char Haar was a great person, but unfortunately had an uphill race against Tom Daschle, and made some mistakes.

I can guarantee you she isn't mentally lacking at all. Last time I spoke with her, this former SD Teacher of the year (if I recall correctly) was teaching/lecturing at a University out east after helping to establish a conservative alternative to NEA.

The last time I e-mailed her, I think she was moving to London to be nearer her daughter who moved over there.
PP said…
9:45 - see ya. Don't let the door hit you in the rear end on the way out.
Anonymous said…
I'm sure Char will be flattered that you think she's smart.
Anonymous said…
Is Shantel married to Maynard Krebs?
Anonymous said…
Teacher of the Year! Oooooh!
Anonymous said…
Dykstra is a good businessman that has worked hard for District 16 and would do a good job representing South Dakota in DC.
Anonymous said…
The dems who come to this blog try to get at people.
They are the ones who are scared and try any tatic to ofend and be negative.
Anonymous said…
What is Dykstra's business? I'm not asking to imply that he doesn't have one; I just don't know.
Anonymous said…
I still think Larry Maka Duta Russell would make the best challenger to either of them...
Anonymous said…
I think Russelll is TOAST!
There is always more to the story.
Anonymous said…
Russell, when I worked with him, struck me as a glad-hander. I doubt his sincerity and wouldn't place much trust in him. South Dakota can do much better.
Haggs said…
10:27 - Are you sure you're talking about the right Dykstra? The Joel Dykstra I know is a bad legislator who doesn't care about what the people of District 16 want. He's only out for himself. He would be terrible as a representative for South Dakota.
Anonymous said…

Maybe if you put the bong down and actually kept track of what's going on in Pierre you would know something about Dykstra. Just keep filling your head with anti Republican mush and sleep off your hangover.

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