Am I blog-o-riffic?
Just some notes on traffic and input
I watch a few of these weblogs comment on who's reading them, and just to be a sheep and follow the pack, I'll do it too. Actually, it's more of the fact I was reviewing my free statistical log, and I've been pleased with the amount of traffic I'm getting. I'm running 150 or so individual visitors a day - that's over 1000 a week!! I enjoy to see and hear from the people who are reading because everyone has a story and an opinion. You never know - I might also hit you up for 10 questions. So who's reading me? My wife claims it's the same ten fellow bloggers reading my weblog over and over. Sorry dear, aside from the time you were right (marrying me), you're wrong again. Who's reading? Current legislators. Statewide elected officials. Past legislators (a hearty "GOP shout-out" to former House Majority Leader Bill Peterson who wrote me a nice note a few weeks back after my post on the meaning of color) and lots of others. I'm getti...