State Senator - Herseth emboldens the enemy
On the eve of her wedding, State Senator Orv Smidt writes to the Argus Leader condemning Congresswoman Herseth for her actions on the Iraq funding bill - calling them "emboldening to the enemy:" I ask you to consider how Herseth has gotten to be such an expert that she can deny the commander-in-chief, the Defense Department, the Secretary of State and our brave soldiers the resources they need to fight and win in Iraq? Why it is OK to embolden our enemy by publishing a timetable for withdrawal? I was once a soldier in Vietnam. The actions by our political leaders of the time told me that my service to our country was not appreciated. and... Our brave soldiers in Iraq don't want to hear that either. Go read it all here . Considering (as a Brookings residnt) he's her State Senator in Pierre, this is particularly stinging.