Todd Epp in the news. (not the novak article)
Todd Epp of SD Watch fame made the national news for the second time today. In addition to a mention in the Bob Novak column, I just caught this article on the top of yahoo news this afternoon: from Man Wants to Create Town for the Deaf : Todd Epp, a lawyer representing a group of opponents, puts it more bluntly: "They want to put a town in the middle of a bunch of cows and pigs, and cows and pigs stink." Epp also says he's concerned because The Laurent Company has no track record for development — Miller's previous jobs include running a national newspaper for the deaf — and won't identify their investors. I think we might be seeing his 15 minutes starting.. First, mentions in national news. Next, a co starring role in a movie with Lindsay Lohan, where she plays a plucky young legal assistant to Todd, who reprises his real life role in "SD Watch - the Movie"