I am one of the noticeable ones. At least on J.A.I.L.
Apparently, I am one of the noticeable ones (With apologies to Missing Persons). Along with A Progressive on the Prairie , we merited a national mention regarding the South Dakota Judicial Accountability Initiative, otherwise known as Amendment "E." And that's E as in "Eerie," "Evil" and "Egads!" Eyes on Justice, a watchdog group that seeks to protect the judiciary as an equal part of our three-ring goverment linked to both of us in an article about JAIL-4-Judges possibly coming apart at the seams: JAIL 4 Judges Movement Coming Apart at the Seams? An initiative certified for the November ballot in South Dakota has attracted considerable attention for its proposals to hold judges “accountable” by stripping judicial immunity. The movement was hatched far away – the amendment’s author, Ronald Branson, has attempted to get a similar measure on the California initiative ballot but found the signature threshold ...