Senator Adelstein should try to keep his views straight if he doesn't want to be called out by the SDWC.
From the Rapid City Journal : Rep. Stan Adelstein, R-Rapid City, said he thinks it's wrong for a doctor to be able to refuse services a patient requests. "I recognize the problem of how you exercise conscience, but if you don't want to do those things, you shouldn't be in the practice, or you need to be willing to go to jail to stand up for what you believe," Adelstein said. I'm not buying this argument from Senator Adelstein (which you can read in it's entirety here ) one bit. In fact, I'm going to go so far as to call him out on the absolute hypocrisy of this statement. Because it's readily apparent that what he believes is that it's ok to exercise your beliefs as long as you agree with him. But if you disagree, "it's wrong." I'm seeing a classic case of "do what I say, not what I do." Why is my bullsh*t meter registering quite high here? Because he's the first one to refute a practice on the basis of his belie...