Friday's postscript, and remember the other day when I said I was having a bad day?
For those of you who were kind enough to ask about my daughter when I noted we were going down for tests related to her apraxia of speech problems, everything went well. We won't know the results of the tests for a while, but its not as if it's going to change her regimen of speech and physical therapy. Clearly she understands what's being said to her, it's more of a matter of trying to alleviate her frustration in communiction. The terrible two's are one thing, but when you can't make your parents understand you want "a cookie now, dammit" obviously little ones can get a little flustered. That aside, if you recall, I had noted a little while back that I was having a particularly bad day. Part of it was concern over my youngest. As for the other part... My wife had informed me of some suspicions she was having. And this week, well..... those suspicions were confirmed. This summer, for the seventh time, we're going to be parents again. Now that the ...