Already, there's lots of chatter in Rapid City for the 2008 races

At dinner and on the phone tonight, I kept hearing about the 2008 legislative races at a time when the 2006 contests have barely cooled off. What am I hearing?

District 30 - Mike Verchio with the Hill City Chamber and Pennington County GOP Committeeman supposedly gave an indication at the last GOP Ambassadors meeting that he's in the hunt for the seat that Gordon Pederson will be termed out of in 2008. But there will be a good sized primary for that one - count on at least 3 if not 4 running for the 2 seats.

District 33 - The word is that Pennington County Commissioner Ken Davis supposedly made noise at the last one of his commission meetings that he intends on running for Van Etten's seat vacated due to term limits in 2008.

District 34 - The word I heard from one reader tonight is that former Rapid City State Senator Mike Diedrich (who I thought was always one heck of a nice guy) is contemplating a look at Mac McCracken's termed out seat in 2008.

I guess it's never too early to get started on the next election.


Anonymous said…
Lib McCracken got a free ride this time. Too bad. Wish he were up for re-election so somebody could run against him. Hopefully someone will if he runs for House after being term limited.

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